Chapter 16

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A few days have passed and the Twolegs and their monsters had gotten closer. Brambleclaw and Squirrelpaw haven't been seen and Rainwhisker was starting to worry whether the dark brown tom was alive and well. He had seen Bramblecaw and the dark ginger she-cat talking to cats from other Clans. From the looks of it, it looked like they were on an important mission by StarClan. Rainwhisker didn't want to interfere with their mission and decided to leave it to them and not tell anyone; not even Leopardstripe. She would probably freak out and tell Firestar and everything would go down hill. Cloudtail and Brightheart have also been missing . . . what's going on?

He felt Leopardstripe shift around uneasily as she flicked her ears towards the sound of the monsters. "Don't worry, my love. You're safe with me." He murmured in her ear.

She purred and rubbed her cheek to his flank. Rainwhisker smiled and licked her forehead. Cinderpelt and Longtail were together clustered with Ferncloud and her kits. I wonder what it would feel like to be a father? It's must be great, looking after your mate and kits . . . watching your kits grow into wonderful warriors. He gazed down at his mate and nuzzled her ear. One day . . . when she's ready . . . Rainwhisker felt the pale gray she-cat with a silver stripe along her spine shift around again in discomfort and she sighed.

"Are you bored?" He asked.

"Well, my legs feel stiff from sitting around all day." Leopardstripe muttered.

"Why don't we walk around then?" Rainwhisker purred.

She heaved to her paws and stretched. Rainwhisker glanced around and found Sorreltail with Brackenfur and Graystripe. Firestar was talking to Blizzardtail and Leafpaw. The young beautiful pale brown-and-white tabby she-cat padded up to them.

"Hey Rainwhisker can you come with me to pick out some herbs? The rest of the warriors are busy and Blizzardtail has to return to camp and try to search herbs there." Leafpaw meowed.

The dark gray tom flicked his ear and meowed, "Sure, but can Leopardstripe come too? She wants to stretch her legs for a bit."

"Um . . . I'll ask Blizzardtail." She meowed.

Blizzardtail had said yes, but to be extremely careful since Leopardstripe couldn't see and now the three cats were cautiously padding around looking for herbs. Leafpaw sniffed around a clump of leaves while Rainwhisker flicked his ears at the sound of a roaring monster.

"I think there some watermint near the RiverClan border. Let's go over there real quick." Leafpaw meowed.

"Alright, can you manage Leopardstripe?" The dark gray tom asked.

"Of course!" She growled in frustration. "Just because I'm blind doesn't mean I can't hear or smell!"

Rainwhisker and Leafpaw purred in amusement and smiled. The young apprentice lead the way towards the RiverClan border, making sure not to cross it or get too near it. Rainwhisker's tail was draped over Leopardstripe's shoulders as they followed the she-cat. They reached a bush that contained precious herbs and Leafpaw began to take some of the leaves.

"This is wonderful!" She purred. "I can't believe I found watermint so close to us!"

There was a sudden shaking of the ground and loud yelling. Rainwhisker whipped around to see a Twoleg shouting. Fear gripped him and he curled his tail around Leopardstripe, making sure not to lose her.

"Leafpaw, come on!" He screeched.

The young she-cat dropped the herbs and stared in horror at the Twoleg as it came closer with two others following it. The dark gray warrior gave the she-cat a rough shove and they were running, trying to escape. He had make sure Leopardstripe didn't trip over anything or run into anything. Help us StarClan! How are we suppose to outrun them? Help us! Where are we going to hide? Think, think . . .

Rainwhisker spotted an opening in the undergrowth, but shrieked as cold paws gripped his flank. He heard a horrible scream of fear come from Leopardstripe and saw her in the paws of a Twoleg. He hissed in fury and bite the paw of the Twoleg that had captured him. It growled and hit his head. He winced and was stone-still as it carried him by his scruff.

Leopardstripe! Leafpaw!


Hey guys!!!!!

I know I haven't updated for a while, but no need to worry. I'm still working on this book. I am also working on Shyspirit's Prophecy. You should go check it out. Ask Leopardstripe is now published so you can go and ask my OC and question and she will answer it!!!

Till next time . . .

May StarClan light your path! :)

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