Chapter 11

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Leopardstripe felt someone licking her head as she slept. She opened her eyes to see the sun's golden rays streaming into the den. She yawned, showing her sharp, white teeth.

"Good morning." A familiar voice purred.

She turned her head, but before she could see who it was, her face was covered with licks. Leopardstripe purred as she recognized the scent of her mate.

"Rainwhisker!" She giggled.

He stopped and the young she-cat was able to see him. His blue eyes glittered with love and relief. He truly does care for me. Oh Rainwhisker, I'm so sorry I put you through all of that! Leopardstripe leaned against his shoulder.

"Rainwhisker . . . I'm sorry that I did what I did. Please forgive me . . ." She whispered.

Rainwhisker slowly licked her ear and rested his cheek on the top of her head. "Leopardstripe, you don't have to tell me why you did what you did. I'm just glad that your safe and . . . alive. I will never leave you again." He vowed.

She smiled happily and felt small tears roll down her cheeks. Thank you so much . . . I love you.

"Come on, you must be hungry. Let's get you something to eat." He murmured.

Leopardstripe hesitated as she nodded. I don't want to hear what my Clanmates have to say. I don't want to hear their theories.

The two warriors made their way out of the den. Leopardstripe blinked her eyes as the sun warmed their pelts. A few warriors were around camp, others were either still sleeping or on patrol. The pale gray she-cat sighed and glanced around, anxious.

"Hey, don't worry. If anyone says anything they'll have to deal with me!" Rainwhisker purred.

Leopardstripe brightened and smiled with amusement. She flicked his ear with her tail-tip and they began their way towards the fresh-kill pile. She choose a plump mouse and he choose a plump vole. They settled near the fresh-kill pile to eat their prey. Leopardstripe quickly ate her mouse in a few bites, her belly full with fresh-kill. The dark gray tom purred with amusement and finished his vole.

Firestar padded out of his den, the sun's golden rays turning his ginger pelt into fire. Blizzardtail also padded out of his den followed by Leafpaw. Their leader beckoned the pale gray she-cat with his tail as she and her mate began to share tongues.

"Rainwhisker, I'll be right back." Leopardstripe meowed.

He looked up from washing his paw with curiosity filling his blue eyes. She flicked her ear towards Firestar and the medicine cat, he nodded in understanding. Leopardstripe smiled, stood up, and made her way towards the flame-colored tom.

"Let's go to Blizzardtail's den." He meowed with authority.

She dipped her head and followed the three cats toward the herb-smelling den. Once they were inside Leopardstripe was settled in her temporary moss nest, Firestar and Blizzardtail and Leafpaw were all facing her.

"Blizzardtail told me everything, Leopardstripe. Why didn't you tell us you had the vision?" Firestar inquired.

She looked down at her paws, shuffling them among the soft moss. The only reason I didn't tell anybody was because I thought they would think I'm crazy or something.

"I didn't tell you, because I thought that you would just think it was some weird vision and nothing important." The tabby she-cat answered, looking up at his green gaze.

He slightly nodded and lightly sighed. Leafpaw gazed at her father with troubled, gentle amber eyes. The black she-cat with a white tail held her apprentice back with her tail as Firestar closed his green eyes.

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