Chapter 13: Pay Our Respects (Pt. 1)

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(Heads up, mmkay so the things in italics are the memories n shit okay like the memories people are having of bigby, alright? We all got that? OKAY LETS GET IT STARTED IN HEEAHHH!!!)



(Play song here)

It was a dark gloomy night. Hell, it was Bigby's funeral, it wasn't like it was gonna be just a nice, beautiful evening. All the Fables near and far had been attending the sheriff's funeral, not just to pay their respects but also because they cared. Yeah, some fables like Grendel, the Woodsman and Jack didn't get along that well, but deep down, they still cared for their beloved sheriff. Who wouldn't? It was sprinkling softly outside as all the Fables sat down and cried a little as Cryer walked up to the podium to say his words. Everyone was dressed up nice for the occasion, I mean, who wouldn't? Who would go to a funeral in pajamas (just sprinkling a lil humor on top to lighten the mood lol). Cryer was dressed in a nice, smooth suit, Bunyan's and hat to complete it all. He took a few depressed steps to the podium and placed his hand on it while adjusting the microphone. He cleared his throat and said, "Hello, everybody. This must be a pretty..sad night for you is for me. I'd j-just like to say a few words." He tightened his jaw, trying hard to suck back in his forming tears. "Bigby..was an extraordinary sheriff. Really, he was. I could not imagine a better one, e-even if I tried," he said.
A cab was driving near with a familiar face in it. Bigby raised his hand and it came to a stop. He got inside the car and sat in the backseat. "Hey Cryer, can you take me to a store nearby?" The sheriff asked, handing the taxi driver a 10 dollar bill. He took the money in his hand and smiled, "Sure thing, Sheriff." He began to driver again. 2 minutes into the car ride, Cryer turned on the radio. "Dun dundun....dadadun dun dun," the radio blared. "Oh, this is my jam," Cryer laughed, tapping his thumb on the steering wheel to the beat. Jesus Christ, Bigby thought. "First things first, I'm the realest. Drop this, and let the whole world feel it!" the radio sang.

Cryer continued on, "Yeah, I guess you can say we were...friends. More or less, I drove him places when he needed it. Overall....he was that honourable sheriff who sacrificed and gave his all t-to keep us protected. That's what I call a sheriff." He gulped and stepped away from the podium, taking one last look at Bigby's dead body in his coffin. Bigby was dressed nice in a fancy suit...hell, his outfit looked better than his everyday outfit. Too bad he wasn't alive to see it. He shook his head in disbelief and walked to the side. "Would anyone like to speak?" he asked. Cindy raised her hand kindly, wiping away a tear. "Yes, Cindy, come on up," Cryer said. Cindy got up and ran a hand through her long, blonde hair. She dressed in a black dress and black high heels. She had black lipstick on and black mascara running down her cheeks. Cinderella looked at Bigby's body on her way to the podium and rubbed her teary eyes. She reached the podium and leaned toward the microphone. "Bigby was my boss. A great one, i-in fact. As you all know, I'm a spy. Anyway, Bigby's courage a-a-and bravery was something I hadn't..seen in a while. He did everything he could to protect us and didn't ask for anything in return, apart from a thank you."
A woman with blonde hair swaying over her rounded shoulders and black clothes came from the closet, walking to the counter. "Hey boss, what're you doing here tonight?" she chuckled. "Eh that's a little confidential, Cindy," Bigby said, smiling. "Oh oh, I got cha," she said, snapping her fingers. "So, what are you buying?" she asked. Mr.Wolf handed her the box of high heels.

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