Chapter 2: Anticipated Inquires

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All this fuckin' work, I thought. Can't I ever get a break? I was engaged in my stress-inducing work until I felt a vibration in my pocket. I pulled out my  smartphone Snow had gotten me for Christmas one day.

"Merry Christmas, Sheriff," she said, handing me the rectangular box. I opened it and saw a Sprint smartphone inside with an instruction manual, charger etc. "Wow, Snow, what's this for?" I asked, taking it out of the box and turning it in my hand. (I think sprint has smart phones idk maybe its just a service of something I don't know anymore lol) "Well, the other day, you were complaining that your hand was aching a lot from signing and writing, I figured that I'd get you something to make tasks easier. You can also use it for texting or apps or whatever," she said. I paused and looked at her for a second. "What the fuck is an app?" "Oh Jesus, Mr.Wolf," she sighed. "Where's the on button on this thing?" I asked, foolishly tapping the screen with my index finger. She pushed a button on the side and it turned on.

I chuckled. Even though I have very bad luck with electronics, I still enjoyed the gift. She taught me how to go on the internet, how to text and stuff like that. It's funny, the things mundies are making today. I typed in the password and went to my messages, seeing a text from Snow. "Hey, Sheriff, did you finish the paperwork I sent you?" I sighed and started typing. "Working on it," I sent. I placed the phone down and tried to continue the work until it vibrated again. I looked at my messages again and saw the text. "Okay," was all she wrote (all she wroottee all she wrroottee). I texted her back saying, "By the way, are you busy on Friday?" (Omg what am I doing LOL) She quickly responded with, "No, why?" "Just wondering" "Alright, well bye," she replied. I turned my phone off and went back to my paperwork with a smile. Friday was gonna be the day that I finally ask her out to dinner. I was determined to please her and make her happy.


Snow walked up to Bigby's grave with tears falling down her face. It was windy and rainy outside, totally fucking up her hair and clothes. She was by herself in the cemetery with a bouquet of roses in her hand. "B-B-Bigby...if you can hear me...I want you to know that I love you. Thank you for always protecting me and

-sniffle- loving me like no else would. (Not like that get your minds out of the gutter LOL)" She knelt down and lightly placed the soaking wet flowers on the dirt where he lay. "I love you, Bigby Wolf....I love you," she said, walking away from the grave before taking one last look back and wiping away a tear. She continued walking away in despair.

(Well that was a little emotional but omg when I think about it, putting twau with modern technology is weird but cool Im like so djshsbdjdn)



I looked up at the calendar in my now sticky-note less office. The X's stopped at the current day, "April 7, 2014," it said. I grinned thinking of taking her to dinner. Giving her a breath from all of the complaining Fables and paperwork she had to deal with everyday. I scratched the back of my head, thinking of how I should ask her...or if I should ask her. Who'd want to go out to dinner with the Big Bad Wolf? Hell, they'd practically be the Big Bad Wolf's dinner. I shook my head, erasing the negative thoughts and walked out of my office with a purpose. I was confiden-okay, half-confident but that wasn't gonna stop me. I walked past the long line of Fables and opened the door. "Fucker," Gren mumbled. I walked up to see Snow sitting at her Deputy Mayor desk, once again signing papers and scribbling stuff down. "Snow.." I said, nervous. "Yes, Sheriff?" Fuck, there she goes again, I thought. " seem kinda stressed, you know, signing papers and answering angry phone thought that maybe...may I take you out..? Like, to take a break or something?" I stood in still and tried not to avert my eyes from her gaze. Trying not to do anything that could make her possibly say no. I felt a lump in my throat, the anticipation growing stronger for an answer. She stared at me blankly for a while. I was about to turn and walk away in disappointment until she said, "I guess one night couldn't hurt. I'll be ready at 8." I nodded, walking away with a huge smile on my face.

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