Chapter 6: Might Be A Hell Of A Night

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I carried her all the way to her bedroom. I put her down, placing my hands on her waist, still caught up in the kiss. She untied my tie, flinging it across the room. I moved my hands to the back of her dress, undoing it and slowly sliding it off her shoulders. Now, she was just in her bra and panties (0 to 100 real quick). I moved my lips to her neck, licking and biting (like a vampire AHHHHH). She slid my blazer off my shoulders as I got a little impatient and shrugged off the blazer. I tore my shirt open (literally tore it just like superman) and flung that across the room. I kissed her lips as she moaned in pleasure. I put my hands behind her back, struggling to unhook her bra. "Goddammit," I growled, trying to undo her bra. She laughed at my struggle and said, "Here, let me help you." She reached behind her back and unhooked her bar with one hand. How'd she do that? I thought to myself. Her bra was still on and I looked at her, confused. She nodded and I slowly slid it off her shoulders, exposing her breasts. My eyes widened and jaw dropped in amazement, arousal and surprise, all in one. I held on to her waist and laid her on the bed, getting on top of her. My eyes blazed yellow as my wolf features started to kick in. She moaned in excitement as I began pawing at her breast, sucking the other one. Snow moaned and groaned in pleasure as I moaned, feeling my pants getting tighter and tighter. I alternated as she bit her lip, trying to mute her moans a bit. Her hands moved to my belt, undoing it and flinging it across the room (okay one article of their clothing is bound to hit a vase or something). She unzipped my pants, sliding it down my legs as I kicked it off along with my shoes. Now we were both in our underwear. I went back to kissing her lips as she rubbed me through my briefs, palming and stroking. I gripped the elastic of my briefs, sliding it down and kicking it off. My erection made no hesitation as it popped up (standing tall and proud LOL OMG I JUST HAD TO). She moaned in the kiss, grabbing my dick and stroking it at a medium pace (is it just me or did at a medium pace by Adam Sandler pop into my head as I wrote that bit?). I pulled away, trying to catch my breath. "Wow, what a big dick you have," she laughed. "All the better to please you with, dearie," I smirked. She continued stroking until I got very...excited, pulling off her panties. I moved downward, spreading her legs. "Wait wait what are yo-" "Shh shh shhh, just relax, Snow," I said. I kissed her lips (not the lips up there, I mean the lips between the hips ayyy turn ahhp), lightly licking at her womanhood. She gasped and moaned at the teasing pleasure she was feeling. I licked at her with my tongue, darting up and lapping away like a thirsty dog....or wolf you could say. She kept moaning and moaning into the ceiling grabbing my hair. I smirked and lightly licked her clit, totally driving her crazy. "Ooooh my god, Bigby!" she moaned. I gave her lips one last kiss, moving up, grabbing myself. She nodded quickly before I could even give her that iconic look and I slowly eased my way in. We gasped at the overwhelming contact as I began thrusting slowly. A minute of slow thrusting and the deputy mayor grabbed my face, looking into my eyes. "Faster," she demanded. I nodded my head, chuckling. I gradually got faster and faster in rhythm with my thrusts, making her moan and moan. 2 minutes of that and I was going hard and fast. We couldn't stop our moans as our climaxes came closer and closer. (I feel like I'm writing fifty shades of grey whenever I write these sex parts lol) Her moans got louder and louder as she fell over the edge. "Bigbyyy!!!!" she yelled in overwhelming pleasure (say my name say my name when nobody's around, you say bby I luah you). I felt it my orgasm just on the peak of the mountain as I screamed in pleasure. "Ummphh! FUCCK!" I stopped thrusting as we were panting in relief. I pulled out of her, laying next to her. When we finally calmed down, I put my arms around her, bringing her into a close embrace. I snuggled my face into her sweet smelling hair and fell asleep, happily knowing that the woman I love is now in my arms. I guess you could say I slept good that night.

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