Chapter 7: True Love & Gossip

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I woke up slowly and felt the warm cushy bed under me. I looked to my side and saw Snow, still asleep, wrapped in my arms. I smiled to myself, remembering what happened the night before. She was finally mine. I've been dreaming of this for over 300 years! I took my arm that was on top of her off and realized that my other arm was right under her. Shit, I thought. I couldn't just wake her up, that's like an unwritten rule. I slowly but surely slid my arm from under her, being careful not to wake her up. To my luck, once I got my arm from under her, I could still hear the silent snores from her. I was about to get out of bed until I heard her waking up. "...Bigby?" she yawned. I put a little piece of her hair behind her ear and smiled. "Good morning, Snowflake." She snuggled her head in my chest and said, "Bigby...I have a quick question." "Yeah?" I asked, giving her a soft look. "All these years, I've pushed you away, tried to keep things professional and been a cold hearted bitch to you, and yet you still keep coming, never stopped loving me and always stuck by my side. Why is that?" she asked. "Because...I love you, Snow," I said, pulling her into a hug. She snuggled her head in my chest and said, "I love you too, Bigby." (so sappy ikr)



Gren, Holly, Jack and Woody was chilling at the Trip Trap, you know, the usual. Drinking and maybe play a game of poker or pool. "Haha, I win again," Jack laughed, tucking the pool stick under his arm and erasing the board of points. "Oh, you better watch out, Jackie Boy. I'll get you next time," Grendel chuckled. Woody and Holly chuckled to themselves. "Yeah, whatever you say, Gren," Holly said as they both walked up to the counter. "Give me another whiskey. Hell, just give me the whole bottle," Gren laughed. "Wow, someone wants to get drunk," Woody said, taking a sip from his drink. "I'm in a good mood, Woody. Don't ruin it," Gren said. (As I'm writing this, it totally reminds me of when gren was high in episode 3 omg his laugh doe) The Woodsman shook his head in amusement as Holly grabbed a bottle of regrets, handing it to Gren. He took a swig as Jack leaned over the counter. "Hey, did you guys hear all the screaming last night?" Jack asked. Holly raised an eyebrow saying, "Yeah." "Sounded a lot like Snow," Woody said. "I know right," Jack said. "Oh really?" Gren laughed, taking another burning sip from the bottle. He turned to Woody and said, "Woody, I bet you $50 that Snow and Bigby had sex last night." "Why do you think that," The Woodsman asked. "Duh! The moans sounded a lot like Snow's voice. Who else is she gonna sleep with? The wolf and her were bound to go out sooner or later," Grendel laughed. "He makes a good point," Holly said, smirking. Woody laughed, shaking Gren's hand. "Alright, it's a deal, but if it wasn't them, you owe ME $50." "Ah, whatever," Gren said. "Alright, so are you ready to get your ass whooped at pool again, Gren?" Jack smirked. "Hahaha, nah, you're gonna be the one losing this time," Gren laughed, stumbling over to the pool table. He lost balance and collapsed on the floor. "Oh for fuck's sake, Gren," Holly laughed, wiping the table.



We both got our clothes on as Snow was busy in the kitchen. I found her there and snuck up on her. I came from behind, wrapping my arms around her waist. "Whatcha making?" I asked. "Pancakes," she said, smiling. I placed my head on her shoulder, watching her, rocking back and forth. "What are you doing?" she laughed, looking up at me. "Tell you the truth, I really don't know. But hey, it's pretty nice," I smiled (smooth bigby is smooth). "Oh, shut up, you!" she laughed, placing the cooked pancakes on the plate and lightly pushing me off her. I laughed, walking to her door. "Where are you going?" she asked, walking out of the kitchen. "To the Business Office, to do whatever work Ms.White has for me to do," I smirked. She laughed, "Well, Ms.White seems to have run out of paperwork for you." I walked away from the door, wrapping my arms around her waist, chuckling. I pulled her into a loving kiss, smiling into the kiss. I guess dreams really do come true (THATS WHAT DRREEEEAMMMSSSS ARE MADE OFFFF ok that's enough Disney for today).

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