Chapter 8: Life Of A Sheriff

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Bigby ran throughout the streets of New York City with his beard and claws already growing. He trailed Snow's scent. Her aroma, her must that smelt of various feelings of fear and need for help. He pushed through all the crowded mundies. "Hey, watch where you're going!" a few mundies yelled behind me but he didn't care. He was too worried about what was happening to Snow. He had been bolting (yes bolting bigby has some strong ass legs he can bolt for hours mmm speaking of his strong legs) for about 20 minutes now. Hell, it seemed like 20 minutes. He looked to his right and saw the place. "Sheppard Metalworks," the sign read (-winks-). He ran to the front of the door, trying to unlock it but to no avail. He leaned his ear to the door, hearing Snow's faint screams. That was just enough for him to break down the fucking door with his shoulder. He ran to the second door and pushed it open. He followed Snow's scent as much as he could until he reached a certain spot. He saw Snow White with duct tape on her mouth, laying on the floor with her hands tied up. Her clothes was messed up and drenched with tears. She looked up and saw Bigby looking at her in surprise. "SNOW! What happened to you?! Who did this?" he yelled, running to her, putting a hand to her wet face. She sniffled, trying to find her voice. "Bi-Big-Bigby, it w-was-" Before she could finish, the sheriff heard something behind him. "Hm hm hmm, it's about time you came," the mysterious figure chuckled. Bigby turned around, seeing the very person he hoped he wouldn't have to see ever again. "YOU!" he shrieked in fury.



"Shut up, Colin!" I chuckled, taking a drag of my Huff-N-Puff. Colin laughed, taking a sip from the can of beer, "Can I be best man, Bigby?" (No bigby ain't marrying snow holy shit that'd be fast as hell he's taking it nice and sllooowwww) Bigby shook his head, getting out of his chair. "Where are you going?" Colin asked. "Out," I said, pulling on my beige coat (did anyone else notice that he has his fucking COAT HUNG UP IN HIS OFFICE IN TWAU OMG). I was out the door and headed to the Business Office. I was happy to see Snow, as usual. That was really the only good part about going to work. The rest was just stress-inducing. I got there, throwing my used cigarette on the floor and putting it out with the sole of my shoe. I walked in and was greeted by Bufkin. "Hello, Mr.Bigby!" he said, taking a swig of a bottle of whiskey. "Are you seriously drinking right now?" I chuckled. He looked at the bottle and said, "Erm....I honestly don't remember." (lol drunk bufkin is the best bufkin) I shook my head, walking over to Snow's desk. I heard some flapping noises (not fapping noises don't be misreading it) fade away as I approached Snow's desk. "Why, hello pretty lady," I smirked. (smooth like jazz, amirightbigby?) "Well, don't you know how to make a girl happy," she giggled. I smiled, putting my hand in my pocket. "What does the all-powerful Deputy Mayor have for me to do today?" I asked, smirking (smirk smirk smirkity smirk smirk smirk). She cleared her throat, organizing a stack of papers. She hands them to me and says, "I know it's a lot, but I need you to do them by 6:30 today. Also there's a tiny bit more. Check your email." "But Snow, it's 5:48," I said, looking down at the stack. "Well, get to it," she said, giving me a quick kiss and the lips and patting my cheek. "Okay," I laughed, walking out the office. "Buh-bye," I waved. She waved back with a smile as I made my way (downtown walking fast faces past and I'm homebound) to my office.

(3 WEEKS LATER) (ik this is confusing don't worry its fittna matter at the end just shhhh)


Colin raised his hoove. "Yes, Colin, come up," Cryer said. Colin clopped up to the podium and got next to it (cuz we damn well know he ain't tall enough to reach it). He was dressed like he always was. No clothes (but he still get service ayee). Colin cleared his throat, trying to hold back his tears. "Bigby and I.....we were like best friends. Even though he blew down my house all those centuries ago....he was a true friend to me. When he said he wanted to mend his evil ways, he wasn't kidding. He did get on my nerves every now and then, what with him trying to kick me out of his apartment, but he was possibly one of the bestest friends I could have," he said. The pig sniffled, wiping away a dripping tear with his hoove. "I'll miss those moments when he'd find me in his apartment and lecture me on how I can't keep leaving the farm. I'll miss those bro moments we'd have every now and then. I'll miss him. He was a great sheriff and I'll never forget him," he said, gulping the lump in his throat. Colin stepped away from the front of the depressed fables and went back to his spot, slumping down. He shook his head in despair. Not Bigby. Not my best bud, he thought, shedding another tear.

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