Chapter 11: In Time Of Need

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Dr.Swineheart barged through the now broken door of Sheppard Metalworks and pushed the 2nd door to the side. "MISS WHITE?! WHERE ARE YOU?" Swineheart yelled. "Right h-h-here," Snow sobbed. Swineheart ran over to Snow and looked down at the now human form Bigby's bloody body. "Woah..." the doctor said. "C'mon, help me carry him to the car!" Swineheart yelled, picking up Bigby by the legs. Snow nodded her head, tears spilling down her eyes and helped lift Bigby up. They rushed outside of the place, running over to Swiney's (lol) car. Swineheart opened the back door with one hand and said, "Miss White, help me get him inside of the car!" Snow did as she was told and sat him up in the seat. She got in the seat next to Bigby as Swineheart rushed to get in the driver's seat. The deputy mayor squeezed the dying sheriff's hand, feeling her neck tighten as the tears continued to fall. His facial expression looked lifeless, which just made Snow feel even worse. Dr.Swineheart sped down the roads, almost hitting a few cars. A lot of honks and cuss words were heard but honestly they couldn't give a shit right now. They had to get Bigby help. They eventually reached their destination. "Swineheart Hospital," the sign read (idk lol). Swineheart parked somewhere, put the car in park and turned it off (Imma just pretend I know how to fucking drive mmkay? Mmkay.). Swineheart and Snow rushed out of the car, opening the backseat door and trying to get Bigby out of the car. They picked him up and ran all the way inside the hospital. He grabbed one of the bed carry thingys (idk what the fuck they're called) and said, "Miss White, help me get him on here!" Snow sniffled, doing as she was told. Swineheart pushed the cart thing yelling, "WE NEED TO GET HIM TO THE ER IMMEDIATELY!!" They rushed to one of the rooms. 444, the room number said (I love the number 4 okay). Swineheart set Bigby's torn up body on the hospital bed, attaching wires to him and putting an oxygen mask over his mouth. He turned on the heart monitor and it displayed a consecutive heart rate. Thank god, Snow thought, now knowing the fact that her lover isn't dead. She wiped the reoccurring tears from her eyes, watching Swineheart get out the supplies to operate on Bigby. "Miss White, I think you should be outside in the waiting room right now. Things could get a little graphic and it'd be best i-" "NO! THIS IS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE, AND I WILL NOT LEAVE THIS ROOM NOT KNOWING IF HE'LL BE OKAY OR NOT!!" Snow shrieked as the tears intensified. Swineheart nodded his head, pulling on a pair of gloves starting to operate on the sheriff.


It was just a normal day for Bufkin. Drinking in the rafters, taking calls when Snow's not around, reading the books etc. But things seemed a little odd. He hadn't seen neither the sheriff or the deputy mayor in a while and now he was starting to get worried. Bufkin scratched his ass, putting down the bottle of wine. He flew over to the Magic Mirror, landing on front of it. "Mirror mirror, if you're able, tell me all about this fable," he recited. The mirror's head appeared asking, "Of which Fable do you wish to know?" "Show me Miss White...or Mr.Bigby," Bufkin said. "Don't flatter yourself, they're both in the same place," the mirror said, fading into a scene of what looked like a hospital room. The green monkey's eyes widened as he saw Bigby unconscious with his chest cut open and operated on by Dr.Swineheart. He looked to the side of the bed and saw Snow crying rivers, holding on tight to Bigby's hand. "Oh my goodness!" Bufkin yelled, jumping back a little. The mirror's face reappeared with a depressed look on his face. "Nobody right now," Bufkin said as the Magic Mirror's face disappeared. He flapped his wings, flying out of the door and pass the few Fables walking by. "Wow, Bufkin, what's the hurry?" Boy Blue asked. "It's Bigby! He's in the hospital!" Bufkin yelled, still flying. "What?!" Beauty gasped. "Huh?" Woody said, eyes wide. Boy Blue yelled, "C'mon! We gotta go see him!" They followed after Bufkin, rushing to the nearby hospital. One the way there, they passed by a very frustrated Grendel. "What's the fucking rush with all the four of ya?" Gren snarled."GREN! BIGBY'S IN THE HOSPITAL, COME ON!" The Woodsman yelled. "Wha?" He said, running with them (omg paparazzi amiright jkjk).

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