Chapter 14: Pay Our Respects (Pt. 2)

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The Woodsman and Snow raised their hand but Woody raised his a split-second quicker. "Woody, come on up," the reliable cab driver said, walking away from the front to the chairs. Woody walked up to the podium in front of all the fables and cleared his throat. He was dressed in quite the formal attire. A white dress shirt with a black blazer and red tie. He had beige slacks on with Bunyan's on his feet. "Yeah, me and the dog have never really gotten along that much. Hell, I didn't really like him.."
"Aiii saved Little Red Riding Hood from this...mongster," Woody slurred, holding his broken jaw. "Aii cugt this fugger open and filled his belly full of *crack* arrg STONES!!" he said, cracking his jaw back in place. "AND THREW HIM IN THE FUCKING RIVER, THAT'S WHO I AM, YOU STUPID BITCH!" The Woodsman yelled, getting back on his feet. "Hey! What did I say?! I said be nice..or you wait out..side," Bigby yelled, charging at him and falling out of the window with him.

"...but one of the memories I truly cherished was when he stood up for me at the Lucky Pawn," he confessed.
The Jersey Devil turned to his true form as a green mist appeared around him. He turned around screamed a dry, hoarse shriek. Woody furrowed his eyebrows and rushed him, immediately getting knocked down. Jersey got on top of him (ooo) and started swinging back and forth. "Agghh! Get off!! Get off!!!" Woody yelled, trying to cover his face. Bigby curled his fingers and ran up to Jersey, kicking him off of the Woodsman. "Back off, asshole!!" Jersey flew all the way to the back doors and fell down as Bigby changed into his wolfman form. He growled as he clenched his teeth in frustration and anger.

A tear slid down his cheek as he cleared his throat, trying not to break out in tears. "We finally fought together instead of against each other...a-and I felt like he was a friend," he said, his voice cracking.
The Woodsman stood over a weakened Jersey and held his axe to his throat, giving Bigby the look to interrogate him. Bigby crossed his arms and smirked.

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