Chapter 5: Big Confessions

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"For a walk," I said with a small smile. She smoothed out her dress and said, "Alright." I was close to holding my arm out for her to wrap hers around mine, but then I remembered what she said earlier. "We're colleagues and nothing more, so don't try anything" Ugh, that one hurt like hell, but it was nothing near to the "I'm not yours to lose!" We walked down the sidewalk, not saying a word to each other. The awkward silence was broken once she said, "Wow...look at that. Those stars are beautiful." I looked up and saw a sky full of stars (I THINK I SAW YOOOUUU OOOUUUU sorry sorry lol). They gleamed in the dark moonlight (might be a hell of a night gogogogo #sorrynotsorry), standing out in the boring black sky. I noticed something in the stars. I squinted my eyes, looking closer to see some stars in the shape of a heart. I grinned to myself, quickly wiping the grin off my face when Snow continued walking. I strolled along with her as she looked at her feet briefly. Without thinking, I said, "Snow...?" "Yes, Bigby?" (OOOOOOO SHE CALLED HIM BIGBY WOOT WOOT) I looked into her eyes, about to say the three words I wanted to say for so long but immediately decided against it. "Are you having a good time?" I asked, stupidly. Good going, champ, I thought, sarcastically. "Have to admit, yeah I am," she said with a small smile. I smiled back as we continued walking. (awww ain't that cute) We eventually reached the Woodlands and I opened the door, waiting for her to walk in. She walked in as I walked in after her, closing the door behind me. We went to the elevator, hearing a chuckle a little after. I turned around to see Grimble with his feet up and his hat covering his face a little, winking at me with a smile on his face. I chuckled to myself and looked back at the elevator. The doors opened as me and Snow walked in (god damn that's a lot of walking if I was bigby, I'd be out of breath once we get halfway there to the woodlands). I pressed the button to her floor and the elevator doors closed, heading its way to the floor of Snow's apartment. I took a little side glance to see Miss White smiling to herself, looking down once again at the gorgeous flowers. I was so glad she liked the roses. It just warmed my heart knowing I got her something she loved. The doors opened as I escorted her to her apartment. She unlocked the door to her apartment and just before she got in, she looked at me and said, "Tonight was very nice, Bigby. I-I'd love to do it again." Next thing I knew, I felt something warm and big touch my cheek. Snow had gotten on her tiptoes, kissing me on the cheek, leaving me surprised. She turned back to the door and started to walk into her apartment until I lost all control of myself and lightly grabbed her arm, twirling her around and locked lips with her. She pushed me away and yelled, "Sheriff Wolf! You will explain your action right this minute, or I'll resign you from being Sheriff and kick you out of the Woodlands!" (-chorus of rude by magic plays in the distance-) I was left speechless, not knowing what to do. "Well?!" "It's because I fucking love you, Snow!" I yelled, instinctively. She stared at me, eyes wide and jaw dropped. "I have loved you since the moment when I met you while the Adversary was attacking us and never stopped. You are the woman I can't ignore. I smoke like a chimney everyday to block out all the diverse smells of New York City, but no matter if I smoke 'till my lungs dry out or not smoke at all, your scent will always be there. All I've ever wanted in this world (apart from fables fucking dissing bigby all the time) is to make you happy. To make you feel truly loved for once and to feel safe. When I found Crane's room at the Open Arms and when he confessed his sick disgusting love for you, I felt that I could never confess my love to you because I was afraid you'd might compare my love for you to Crane's," I blurted out, not caring if people can hear me. Snow held her hand over her mouth, speechless. "Bigby..." was all she could say. "But...I guess I can finally see how you really feel. I guess I'll just leave. I'll pack my bags tonight," I said, with a very saddened look my face, starting to turn away. "No! No! Bigby, please, don't leave me! I don't know what I'd do without you! Please don't go!" Snow yelled, wrapping her arms around me into a hug. I felt something wet on my chest and realized that Snow was crying. I put one hand on her back, rubbing up and down and put the other hand on the back of her head for comfort. "It's okay, Snow. I'd never leave you," I whispered in her ear. She pulled her head off my chest and said, "You-you promise?" "Yeah," I said, cupping her cheek with my left hand, wiping away her tears with my thumb. She sniffled, wrapping her arms around my neck and pressing her lips to mine. I kissed back, putting my hands on her hips. I hugged her tighter as she tilted her head the other way and I did so as well. She opened her mouth a little bit, allowing me permission to deepen the passionate, loving kiss. I deepened it, picking her up bridal style and walking into her apartment, shutting the door with NY back.



Snow hugged Bigby's big lifeless, bloody werewolf body tightly. Tighter than ever. Tears were falling down her face like Niagara Falls as she stuttered out her words. "Oh..oh g-g-god, Bigby! Please, don't go! You t-t-told me that you'd n-never leave me! Oh my god, can you hear me? Please Bigby, come back. Don't die, please! I n-n-n-need you!" No sound or movement came out of him. She leaned down, pressing her lips to his for a brief moment. She pulled away, saying, "I love you...-sniffle- please come back. You always do."

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