Chapter 4: Take You Out

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"Anybody else want to say something?" Cryer asked.  Holly wiped a tear from her cheek and raised her hand. "Holly," he said, gesturing for her to come up to the podium. She was dressed in a black dress and red heels. She walked up and cleared her throat. "Me and the Wolf were never really friends. I was annoyed whenever he'd come into my bar, but I gotta admit, I couldn't imagine a better sheriff than him. I'm actually convinced now that he really had changed from his old ways. I will always remember what he did to find who killed my sister and I'll always be appreciative of that and keep him in my memory. What he did for Snow was actually....kinda brave. I'm glad he was our sheriff and he will be missed." She walked back to her seat next to Gren and shook her head in disbelief. Even she couldn't believe this really happened.


(I know I'm probably confusing the shit outta people but oh well it'll make sense in the end *wink wink*)


"Well, there was this great restaurant that I thought of," I smiled. "Okay," she said. We walked out of the Woodlands together. We were about to walk our way to the place until we heard a taxi roll up with a honk. I looked at the driver in confusion and he chuckled, winking at me (note: no cryer is not a fuckin creep, he's just a cool guy who's there for bigby when he needs him that's a true friend right thur....also because its kind of an off day for cryer cuz little to no fables needed a ride from him on that day so he had nothing better to do...also because he had to get that money money monayyy lol). I walked up to the car and opened the door. "After you," I said, gesturing to the inside of the car. She raised her eyebrow and got in the car. I got in after her, shutting the door behind me. "Where to, Sheriff?" Cryer said as the radio was playing music at a medium level (I'm totally doing this). "This restaurant nearby, I think it's called Il Puttana," I said, handing him a 5. He nodded, taking the money. He began driving as Snow looked at me with a grin. "Oh my god, that's my favorite restaurant!" "Mine too," I smiled. We looked out each other's side windows in awkward silence for a quarter of the ride. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her eyeing up the flowers, turning the bouquet in her hand. I smiled to myself. As if on cue, the song ended and changed to a different song I didn't want it to. "What would I do without your smart mouth? Drawing me in and you kicking me out?" the radio blared. Oh this is just great, now it's even more awkward, I thought. (You thought I was kiddin when I said I was doing this....nope lol) I looked at Snow from the corner of my eye and saw her twirling a little of her hair in awkwardness at the sudden song. About 20 seconds of that and it got even more weird (why am I doing this to bigby LOL). "'Cause aaaalllll of me, loves aaaallll of you. Love your curves and all your edges. All you perfect imperfections." I looked at Snow and she was trying to hide it, but I can smell from her musk that she felt a little shy and awkward. She looked back at me and I averted my eyes as quick as I could. Hope she didn't notice, I thought. I thought wrong. "What are you staring at, Mr.Wolf?" she said. "Oh, just the pretty cars out there," I lied through my teeth. "Sure," she said, looking back at her window. I looked out of my window and saw a couple kissing. I made a sad puppy face and hung my head. If only that were us, I thought. (Bigby is all like this could be us but you playin) As if on cue, the cab driver changed the station and it played, "-I'd catch a grenade for ya! Throw my hand on a blade for ya! I'd jump in front of a train for ya! (Hint hint)" Oh my lord, I thought. But it was true, I would do anything for Snow. The taxi driver changed the channel and it played one of Snow's favorites. "Bluebirds....singin' a song. Nothing' but bluebirds... all day long.." "Oh, I love this song!" Snow said with a huge smile on her face. I smiled back at her as she began to sing with the radio. My eyes widened a bit at how talented she was at singing. She was good! Cryer pulled up the restaurant and hit the breaks. "Here we are," he said. I opened the door and got out, holding the door for her to get out. She stepped out the car and I shut the door. The taxi drove away and we made our way inside. "Hello, would you like a table?" the waiter said as we walked in (nah I like eating my food on the floor ty -_-). "Sure," I said. He led us to a small table and handed us the menus. "The waitress will be with you two in a minute, can I get you anything to drink?" I looked at Snow and she said, "Wine, thank you." The waiter wrote it down on his notepad and looked at me. "A water would be okay," I said, working up a smile. He nodded, writing it down and left. I looked at my menu and Snow said, "Wow, these look delicious!" "Yeah," I agreed. These foods looked amazing! I hadn't eaten something this good looking in years (-raises eyebrows-). Shortly, a blonde-haired waitress with red lipstick and outfit  walked up with a notepad. "Hi, I'll be serving you guys. Did you think of what you wanted yet?" she asked, nicely. "Yeah, I'd like the chicken alfredo and a salad," Snow said. "I'll have the spaghetti," I said. She wrote it down and said, "We'll be right back with your food." The waitress walked away as we fell into the awkwardness again.


Beauty & Beast were sitting at a table at the other side of the room. Beast had his arm around Beauty's shoulder and Beauty snuggled her head in his chest. Beast pushed a strand of hair behind Beauty's ear and pulled her into a sweet loving kiss. "You look beautiful tonight," he said, smiling. She giggled at that. She looked at the other side of the room and saw Bigby and Snow sitting at a table together. "Is that Snow and Bigby?" she asked, eyes wide. "Huh?" Beast looked at what Beauty was looking at and said, "Are they dating?" "I don't know but awww, they look so cute," Beauty said, smiling. "Yeah," Beast agreed.


She looked at the flowers I had gotten her on the side of the table and said, "Mr.Wolf, why'd you get me flowers?" Shit, I thought. I had no idea what to say to that. "I dunno," I said, stupidly. "Okay, but just remember, we're colleagues and nothing more, so don't try anything," she said, sternly. That hit me right to the heart, oh it hit me so hard. All I could say was, "Okay.." (snow why you frontin) The waitress came back with a big pizza pan in her hand with a plate of chicken alfredo and salad and a plate of spaghetti. She placed the plate of spaghetti in front of me and the other plate in front of Snow. I got the fork and spun the fork around the center of the spaghetti, interlacing the spaghetti between the prongs of the fork. I put the fork in my mouth and actually ate slowly and really tasted the food. Snow stabbed some pieces of the salad and ate it. I looked up from my plate and saw her eating her food. Her gorgeous eyes caught my eyes. I couldn't stop staring at those beautiful blue crystal eyes. She noticed me staring and looked up saying, "What? Is there something on my face?" "You have really beautiful eyes," I said without thinking. "Huh?" she said, eyes widening a bit. "Oh, uh..nothin'." She went back to eating her food as I continued eating mine. Fast-forward, we finished our foods and the waitress came back, asking us, "Are you two done?" We nodded and she took up the plates, walking to the kitchen. A few minutes later, she came back and gave us the bill. $47:38, it said. I reached in my pocket and pulled out all the money I had in there. I counted it and it came out to $52. I put the money on the bill and signed my name. Snow watched me intently. She tried to hide it, but I could smell from her musk that she was pleased by my gentlemaness. I covered my mouth briefly to hide my smile. We got up out of our seats and walked out of the restaurant. "Where are we going now, Sheriff?" Snow asked, smiling slightly.

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