Chapter 10: The Fight That Changed It All

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"Seriously, wolf, what took you so long? We were waiting an awfully long time and I thought I'd have a little tea party with little princess over here," Bloody Mary smirked. I stepped threateningly closer to her until she said, "Watch yourself, Bigby. Before you attack me, I think you'd wanna take a look around," she said evilly. I looked to my right and saw Tweedle Dee walking towards me, cracking his knuckles. I looked to my left and saw Jersey in his un-glamoured form, smirking. I growled as Mary stepped back, crossing her arms and smirking. "Go get him, boys," she said. Dee ran towards me and punched me in the side of the face. "THAT'S FOR KILLING MY BROTHER YEARS AGO!!" he yelled. I fell down, and quickly got back up. I tackled him, punching him in the face twice. Jersey Devil hopped on my back, clawing at my shoulders. "ARGHH!!" I yelled, getting back on my feet. He kept digging his claws into my shoulders until I dug my claws into his hands. He let out a scream as I fell backward, squishing him. I got back up and Dee charged at me, knocking me down (damn how many times is bigby gonna fall on his ass). He kept punching back and forth at me and I reached my hand up, clawing all the way across his face. He yelled in agony at the stinging pain of the thick scratches.  I got up, realizing that blood was oozing out of my shoulders. I put pressure on them, looking back at Mary and growling. I was about to charge at her until I heard both Tweedle Dee and Jersey charge at me from both sides (badass move coming up). With no hesitation, I spread my arms out and dug my claws into both of their faces at the same time. "ARRRGHHAHHHH FUCK!" they screamed in pain. I pulled my claws out of their faces as the both of the villains fell on their asses. I grabbed Jersey by the only horn he had on his head and yanked it off. He lifted his head up to the ceiling, screaming. I grabbed his shoulder and stabbed him in the stomach (sounds familiar lol). "Fuck you!!" he yelled. He pushed me against the railing, trying to push me off. I grabbed his arms, struggling to get free from his grip. Without me noticing, Dee pulled a black handgun out of his back pocket (James bond style haaay).  I dug my nails into Jersey's arms as he shrieked in agony. I bumped my head into his, making him fall back. I grabbed him by the horn stuck in his abdomen and threw him over the railing. Jersey yelled as he fell down, horn-first. His horn dug deeper into his body as blood oozed out and he died. I turned my attention away from Jersey Devil and faced Tweedle Dee, only to be shot in the stomach by Dee. "ARGGH!" I screamed, falling back, holding my stomach. It wasn't silver but hell, it still hurt like hell. He walked up to me and looked at my injured body. "I got 'cha now, Wolf," he smirked, pointing his gun at my face. The moment he pulled the trigger, I moved out of the way and kicked him in the nuts. "OW! FUCK!" he yelled, dropping the gun and holding on to his crotch. I got up and kicked the gun to the side as it fell down. I growled, feeling the intense pain in my abdomen make me even more furious. My body grew hairier, greyish hair in fact. I grew bigger in size as my shirt ripped off. I curled my fingers, staring at Tweedle Dee in pain. I growled loudly as he put a hand over his face. "Wolf, please d-!" It was already too late. I had already hopped on him, brought my hands up to the sky, dug my claws into either side of his neck, and pulled outward. Dee gagged, eyes wide, and shut his eyes slowly, dying (well I mean at least he's with his bro now so). I took a deep breath and looked behind my back, seeing Snow look at me in surprise and fear. My eyes softened as I felt sadness take over my body. What have I done? Now she's afraid of me. How could I fuck up so bad? I thought. I got off of Tweedle Dee and walked towards Snow, not saying a word. I gently untied her hands, smelling the fear in her musk. Snow stretched out her wrists, wiping away a few tears. I heard slow clapping and got back up, turning around. "Wowie wow wow, what an amazing performance. I must say, I was expecting more than that but still..well done," BM said with an evil smirk. "But...I think it's about time it has to end." "Okay, what the hell do you want?!" I yelled, gritting my teeth at Mary. "Vengeance, dear. I want vengeance," she said, putting a hand on her hip. I glared at her as she continued. "So...seeing as you and Little Miss Perfect have a thing going on, here's my offer. I can shoot you and everything will be all said and done. Or...I can shoot her and you'll have to live the rest of your life mourning over her loss. Your choice," she said, pulling a silver revolver out of her back pocket. My eyes widened as I looked at Snow and back at her. "I can't let you do this," I said. "Anyday now, dear," Mary sighed. I knew she was never gonna give this up until I made a decision. I knew for a fact that that gun was filled with silver bullets. One bullet lodged into my body and I'm done for good. But, I couldn't let her shoot Snow. I couldn't let her touch Snow. Every since I knew Snow, my top priority was to make sure she was safe no matter what. To not let any more harm come to her and that was never gonna change. So I made my decision. "Alright. Shoot me," I said, tightening my jaw. "Bigby, stop!" Snow screamed. "Put that bullet right in my body just please....don't hurt her," I begged, feeling fear run through my body. Mary chuckled, "I gotta say, that's really cute, Wolfy. Very well." She pulled the thing on the back of the gun (dunno what its called). Click! It was as if time slowed down. "BIGBY! BIGBY!! NOO!!" I heard Snow sob my name out so loud until..BANG!! BANGG!! (Into the roooom wait what am I doing this is supposed to be sad) I felt the sharp, painful feeling in my chest as I growled. I looked down slowly at my chest to see two silver bullet-filled-holes, oozing out blood. I fell down on my back in exhaust and agony. "BIGBY PLEASE D-D-DON'T DIEE!!!" Snow sobbed as she ran to my side, tears pouring down her face. Mary paused for a second, before laughing. "You know, really, that's adorable. I think I've changed my mind. Why don't I shoot you as well so you both can be together?" Bloody Mary suggested (so fucked up, I know). Even though I felt everything sorta fade away, I heard exactly what she said. NO! I thought. She dropped the gun on the floor and continued, "But how about I kill you....the fun way..." She started to morph into her true form, but this time without the doppelgangers (-raises eyebrows twice-). She hissed, slowly walking towards Snow. I could smell Snow's fear and Mary's vengeance clearly and opened my eyes a little more, looking at the gun. "Come here, little one," Mary said, getting closer to Snow. I reached over and grabbed the gun that was probably at this point too small for my werewolf hand. I was never into using guns, hell, I've always thought why use weapons when I could use my claws and teeth? But this time was different. I groaned, leaning to the side and pointed the gun at Mary. BANGG!!CLAANKKKKK!!! Her glass-like body shattered as the bullet went through her. Mary's shattered pieces fell to the floor as I dropped the gun and moaned in pain. Snow looked amazed at my action but soon sniffled, looking down at my bloody werewolf body. She hugged my big, lifeless body tight. Tighter than ever. Tears were rushing down her face as she stammered out of words. "Oh...oh my g-god, Bigby! Please don't go! You t-t-told me that you'd n-never leave me! Oh my god, Bigby, can you hear me? Please, come back! D-dont die! I n-n-n-need you!!" I tried hard to respond back to her, to tell her I was here for her, but no sound or movement came out of me. Snow leaned down, pressing her lips to mine for a short moment. She pulled away saying, "I love you....-sniffle- please come back. You always do." Then I passed out.


"Bigby?! Bigby!!!" Snow shrieked as Bigby's eyes closed. "Shit!!" she yelled, pulling her phone out of her pocket with her shaky hands (omg everyone keeps pulling everything out of the stop, their ass). She put the passcode in and went to her contacts. She pressed on the Dr.Swineheart contact and put the phone to her ear as it rang. Dr.Swineheart picked up the phone saying cheerfully, "Hello, Miss White! What do you need?" "It's Bigby!!! H-He's been severely in-injured and need help!" "What exactly happened to him?" Swineheart asked calmly. "HE GOT SHOT WITH SILVER JUST GET HER IMMEDIATELY!!" Snow yelled into the phone. "Oh, for the love of..on my way!!" Swineheart yelled, hanging up. She locked her phone and slid it back into her pocket. Snow grabbed Bigby's now wolf-man hand, squeezing it gently. "Just hang in there, okay Bigby?! Swi-Swineheart will be here soon! Just please.... don't leave me," Snow cried.

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