Chapter 3: Dress To Impress

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I was so happy. I couldn't believe she said yes! I walked to the elevator and pushed the button to my floor. The doors dinged, opening as I strolled in. I pressed the number of the floor of my apartment and the elevator closed. I grinned to myself, doing a quick little happy dance. The elevator doors started to open and I quickly stopped dancing and pulled an ordinary pose. I walked out and unlocked the door to my place. I walked in and shut the door behind me. I looked over to my ragedy chair with an asleep pig on top of it. I sighed and shook my head. Okay,part one down, now where the hell am gonna take her? I thought. I remembered her talking all about how she loved this particular restaurant. I just couldn't remember what restaurant it was. I tried to jog my memory back, trying so hard to remember. It was on the tip of my tongue but I couldn't remember. The name suddenly popped into my head and I thought, Oh yeah! That's what it was! I walked to my closet, looking through what clothes I had. I had a bunch of stained, yellowing dress shirts, ties and black trousers for one (for real doe if he was a cartoon character, that'd be his outfit). I found this old blazer I had but never worn and smiled to myself. I looked at the clock on the wall to see how much time I had left. 7:37, it read. I grabbed the cleanest pair of black pants and shirt I had, the blazer and best-looking tie I had. I walked into the bedroom and placed the clothes neatly on my bed. I went to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me and stripping down. I turned the shower on and hopped in. Despite the freezing cold water, it was really refreshing to feel the water on my skin. It's been days since I took my last shower. 30 minutes later, after freshening up, I turned off the water and stepped out. I wiped myself off and wrapped the towel around my waist. I walked back out to my bedroom and dropped my towel. I put on my black briefs (I've always wondered how the fuck does he fit all of that in those briefs? Lol I'm so sorry I'm gross) and scratched the back of my head. I pulled up my pants and put on my white-slightly-yellow shirt. I grabbed my tie, popped my collar and tied it around my neck. After tieing my tie, I put the top of my collar back down and shrugged on my black blazer. Walking into my bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror. "Damn, I actually look kinda decent for once," I chuckled. I snapped my fingers and pointed at my reflection in the mirror with a smile on my face. I walked back out into the living room and looked over at the still asleep Colin. I laughed to myself and looked at the clock. 8:13, was what it said. have little more time, I thought. might aswell get her something...maybe flowers, I thought. I walked out the door and went down the elevator to the entrance of the Woodlands. I strolled out of the doors to the Woodlands and saw a few cabs rolling by. A taxi was coming near with a familiar face driving it. I raised my hand and it came to a stop. I got inside the car and sat in the backseat. "Hey Cryer, can you take me to a store nearby?" I asked, handing him a 10 dollar bill. He took the money in his hand and smiled, "Sure thing, Sheriff." He began to drive again. 2 minutes into the car ride, he turned on the radio. "Dun dundun....dadadun dun dun," the radio blared. "Oh, this is my jam," Cryer said, tapping his thumb on the wheel to the beat. Oh for fuck'sake, I thought. "First things first, I'm the realest. Drop this, and let the whole world feel it!" the radio sang. You gotta be fuckinkidding me, I thought as the popular song kept playing. I was never into the music the Mundies were into now, it just seemed like trash. Thank god for Michael Bublé. I was always a sucker for jazz music. The cab driver kept driving until we reached my destination. "Well, here we are, Mr.Wolf," he said. "Thanks, Cryer," I said, pulling a smile. "Anytime," he said, driving off. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a pack of my lovely Huff-N-Puffs. I slipped a cigarette between my lips and lit it with my lighter. I put the objects back in my pocket and took a long drag of my cigarette. I stepped into the store and looked around. I took a stroll through the halls of the stores, looking at all the items and such until I came across one that caught my eye. It was a couple large bouquet of roses that practically had Snow's name on it. I smiled to myself, imagining getting her one. What if she rejects it? She does want to be all professional after all, I thought, sadly. I took one last look at the flowers and decided the chance was too good to pass up. I grabbed one of the bouquets and proceeded to the checkouts. Ain't no way I was using the self-checkouts, I don't know how to operate those. The line I was standing in wasn't all the long, thank god. When it got to my turn, I gave the roses to the cashier and she placed them in a bag. "That'll be $20, sir," she said. I reached in my back pocket and pulled out a crumbled up 20 dollar bill, handing it to her. She took the bill and  put in the register as the receipt printed out. "Who's that for? A special someone?" she commented, eyeing up the flowers. "Heh, yeah," I said, trying to be nice. "Have a nice day, sir!" the cashier said as I grabbed the receipt and flowers and walked out of the store. I stood outside, seeing a familiar cab cruise by. I chuckled, raising my hand up for him to stop. It's always been confusing to me how he does it. The taxi stopped and I got in, shutting the door after me. "Thanks, Cryer again," I said, smiling. "No problem, Sheriff," he replied. I slumped back in the seat and started to imagine taking Snow out. This eventually led to me fantisizing picking her up bridal style and spinning around in circles (lol). Cryer changed the station and it played this song that I've never heard. "-omin' down, one love, two mouths. One love, one house. No shirt, no blouse. Just us, you find out. Nothin' that I really wanna tell you about no no nooohh," the radio sang. Well, that's appropriate, I thought, scowling. The cab driver rolled his eyes and changed the channel again. "-ave died everyday waiting for you. Darling don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years....i'll love you for a thousand more.." I put a hand to my forehead, shaking my head. Cryer changed the station once more and it started playing this rap song. "-nd I done did everything but trust these hoes! When a rich -swirl- wants ya. And your ni- can't do nothing for ya." Fuck, I thought. Fast-forward, we finally got back to the Woodlands in the nick of time. I squinted my eyes at the mini clock in the taxi. 8:58, it read. "Shit!" I yelled, rushing out of the car. "Bye, Bigby!!" Cryer called after me as I ran inside the Woodlands with a bouquet of flowers behind my back. I sniffed the air and smelled her scent coming closer and closer. Next thing I heard was the nearby elevator ding. I put myself in my best casual pose. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Grendel walk out of the elevator. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "Hey, Bigby, nice fuckin' day," he said. "Yeah, you too," I said. He eyed me up and down and asked, "What are you all dressed up for?" "None of your business, Gren," I sighed.  He peeked behind my back and said, "Hmph, Snow?" I didn't reply and he laughed, patting me on the back. "You go, man." I scowled at him and he walked out of the Woodlands, probably to go drink at the Trip Trap. I heard the elevator ding and I went back to my casual pose, still with the flowers behind my back. What came out was the woman of my dreams. She had on a smooth blue dress, blue high heels, dark mascara, blood-red lipstick and she finally let her hair down. It swayed in the wind over her shoulders, I felt like I was in a movie. Wow, was all I could think. She stopped in front of me and said, "Well, Mr.Wolf, you actually look decent tonight." "Hmm? Oh yeah, well...thanks," I said, awkwardly. I showed her the bouquet of red roses and said, "Snow, you something." She held the roses and blushed. ", thank you. They're beautiful!" I smiled and she blushed even harder (oooo snow and bigby sittin in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G LOL) Snow gave the roses one last look of love and looked back up at me. She cleared her throat and said, "So, Sheriff, where are you taking me?"

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