Awakened in the Darkness

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She was awakened by a disturbance in the house. She sat up not knowing where she was for a few seconds, then recalling where she was and how she got there, turned to look at the clock on the night stand. It said, 9:28, late, but not so late. As she placed her hand on the pillow to upright herself, she felt the wetness. It all came back to her. She had cried herself to sleep and the pillow was drenched with her tears. She decided she needed some air. She was not ready to go to bed. The events of the day with her brother had left Gabby's head reeling and confused. She was about to get off the bed when she heard it again. It was a woman's voice, angry and belligerent coming from a distance in the house. Although far away, she could hear the conversation clearly for the woman was sort of yelling. She recognized it as Holly's.

"You were kissing her Bobby, your own fucking sister. Who the fuck does that?"

"Holly, we were kids. It was a stupid thing to do, but we were kids."

Gaby felt a twinge of pain in her chest as she heard her brother trivialize what to her, was the most cherished memories in her life.

"Kids, you were fucking seventeen Bobby, that's not a kid. At seventeen you know what the heck you were doing. I could see if you were eight or nine, but seventeen?"

"Holly, lower your voice. You're gonna wake the girls and there's still people in the house..."

"Don't tell me to lower my voice. I'm not the one who had my tongue down my sister's throat. And what else did you do with her Bobby, huh, what else? Did you fuck her too?

"Hey, hey, hey, now you're getting out of hand. You're upset about something that happened seventeen years ago, for crying out loud. that was nothing. It didn't mean anything."

Again, the pang in Gabby's chest.

"Look, I'm going go for a walk. I hope you're cooled down by the time I come back."

"Yeah, that's right Bobby, go for a walk like you always do. I'm the crazy one here."

Gabby went out to the garden the back way, not wanting to run into anybody. She could still hear her mother and the others playing in the kitchen, although she was sure they heard what was going on with Bobby and Holly. As she stepped out into the darkness of the night, she breathed a long breath to rid herself of what she just heard. She wasn't out there more than a minute before she heard footsteps coming her way. It was Bobby.


Its funny how, as a kid you remember someone as being beautiful, then you see them as an adult, and you wonder what you ever saw in them. Then sometimes the opposite occurs. The opposite occurred with Gabby. When I first saw her at the airport yesterday, I was reminded of the Italian actress who played the love interest of the postman in the 1994 movie, 'El Postino.' I had seen that movie when I was twelve and fell in love with that actress, and then as Gabby began to develop, five years later, I couldn't help but notice the similarity between the two. She had that strong Latin/Italian look with flowing dark hair. She filled out in areas where not all women fill out at fourteen. With her large bedroom eyes and striking facial features, at five foot-eight, she was an impressive example of the female species.

And when I saw her in the garden this afternoon, she looked more so like that actress who had captured my young horny heart. Two kids and seventeen years later found her looking more the voluptuous woman than a young girl fresh from a bout of hormonal development. Her breasts were definitely larger and her curves a bit curvier. She must have gained all of ten pounds in those years, which on her 5'8" frame only served to put the finishing brush strokes on the masterpiece that began when she was a mere teenager.

At thirty-two she was the complete woman in so many ways.

"Hey, what are you doing out here. I thought you were in la la land by now."

"I couldn't sleep. Just got out here.

"Oh, then you heard?"

"Yeah, I heard. I'm sorry. Seems like I haven't stopped causing you problems Bobby. I'm still the same old pain in the ass."

"Don't say that Gabby. You could never be a pain in my ass."

"You always used to tell me that."

"Oh Gaby, we were just kids. I didn't mean anything I used to tell you back then."

She went silent.

"So, you didn't mean it when you said you loved me, Bobby? Was that like just something stupid you said that didn't mean anything cause you were just a kid."

I looked at her. Apparently, she had heard more than I thought she did.

"Gabby, Gabby, look, I'm sorry that I have to say those things. It's like plunging a knife into my own chest, but Holly, she just wouldn't let up with this kissing you thing. I don't know what got into mommy to even bring that up."

It's ok, I understand. I can't sleep Bobby, I was just going for a walk."

We walked the garden in silence, then turning to me says.

"She is right you know. You did fuck me."

I looked at her. She smiled.

"Yeah, I did, didn't I?"

"Yup, you sure did."

We walked a little more in silence then she adds,

"You know, that kitchen thing was kinda funny now that I think about it. Mommy said she was going to cut your dick off, and I believe she would have."

"And you think that's funny?"

"Yeah, don't you remember her running after you with the knife and you running around the island? If it wasn't for me you wouldn't have a pipi." She threw her head back and laughed unapologetically. I could have grabbed her right there and loved her forever. Instead, I replied,

"If it wasn't for you? If it wasn't for you she wouldn't be running after me with a knife. You were crazy Gabby. You did crazy shit, like you were daring them to find out."

"Oh Bobby, I just couldn't get enough of you. And plus, perhaps I just wanted the world to know. I was crazy in love with you. You seduced your baby sister, what did you expect?"

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