Chapter 1: The Invite

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I had always liked school.

Despite how mean here teachers were and how little they knew about teaching I still loved school.

It was 6th block and I was listening intently to Mrs. Ripple's lecture on the history of France.

It was amazing how much the country had developed and grow and how successful it had been.

The bell rang, scaring me.

I jump slightly, and heard a deep throated laugh behind me.

I turn my head to see who it is.

I almost fell out of my chair.

The guy had mahogany hair, swept to the side, medium length. He was tall, legs cramped under the desk. His dark eyes glittered with amusement at my expression.

"Hello to you too." He said, voice smooth and slightly husky.

I couldn't do anything but say "Hi" in a small voice.

The mystery guy chuckled as he took his things and walked out of the room.

A slow clap echoed in the room.

I didn't have to turn around to see who it was.

"I know what you're going to say, Maz, I already know my social grace is admired by the world and it's people."

Maz appeared beside me, red curls bouncing around as she did so.

"What else would you expect me to say," she says, brown eyes looking at me like I had disappointed her greatly," Really, Pagy, you see an attractive guy and you start heaving like a fish out of water."

I laugh, Maz and I had been friends since preschool. We knew everything about each other.

"Yeah," a deep, male voice said,"it was pretty fabulous."

I throw a pencil in the direction of the voice.

"Shut up, Lyndon!" I yell at him in mock anger.

"Ow!" He says loudly," That really hurt the air about 5 feet away from me."

"Shut up!" I yell at him.

I hear him walk over and see his slightly messy, light brown hair and hazel eyes that are glowing with amusement.

"You know I'm your bestest friend in the world," He says hugging me tightly, trapping me.

"Lyndon! Let me go!" I yell at him in mock frustration, struggling to attempt to escape his grip.

"Come on, say it Pagy. Who's your bestest friend?" He laughs as he says it.

"I'M her bestest friend." Maz says attempting to loosen his grip,"you're just the one who follows us around like a lost puppy."

He captures Maz in his other arm, trapping us both.

"Say it, come on I can do this all day." He says, now laughing uncontrollably.

We're all laughing by now, finally I give in and say,"You know you're my best friend Lyndon."

He grins and let's me go and says to Maz,"I really don't want to carry you out of here, Mazzy. Your friend did it, come on now."

She fakes a sigh of defeat and says,"Lyndon you are a jerk but you are apparently my BESTEST friend."

He let's her go and she scurried away hiding behind me saying,"Next time just take Pay, and leave me be."

He laughs,"Now that wouldn't be fair now would it?"

She lets out an exaggerated sigh and says,"What I sacrifice for the sake of you Paige." she glares at me with mock disappointment ,"Why must you be friends of someone like this?"

I shrug, "Our parents knew each other, I was kind of stuck with him."

Lyndon scoffs like he's offended and says,"And this whole time I though you were just using me for my body."

I eye him and say,"You wish, you have less abs then this desk."

"I do too have abs." He says in a defiant voice as he starts to lift up his shirt.

"NO!" Maz and I yell in unison.

He stops confused, " What?"

"You have already made us suffer enough, don't make us see THAT." Maz says.

He huffs in disappointment,"Fine."

"So dramatic change in topic but are either of you coming to the party at the Washington's tonight?" Maz asks us.

Both Lyndon and I look confused,"What party?" I ask.

Her eyes widen,"You weren't invited?"

We shake our heads,"Nope." we both say.

She loops her arms through ours and says,"Well you're invited by me so we are all going. Is that clear?"

I nod while Lyndon did a sarcastic salute in her direction using a certain finger.

Well tonight was going to be interesting.


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Hope you peoples like this book. I really enjoy writing it.

Have an excellent day! 😊

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