Chapter 17: The Lights

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I wake up on my couch in the living room of my house.

It's small with medium sized flat screen TV and a leather couch my parents had won in a raffle.

The TV is still on and the news is currently on.

I sit up and squint to look at the screen.

On the TV is Andre.

Confused, I turn up the volume and listen intently.

"Yes Michelle, I do have a girlfriend now and things are pretty serious." Andre says.

"What?" I whisper out loud, perplexed.

The news lady smiles at him, eyes batting furiously,"And what is the name of this girl?"

I sit on the edge of my seat, eyes glued on the screen.

Andre runs a hand through his hair and then looks at the screen with those dark eyes of his and says,

"Her name is Paige, Paige Marche,"


*Lyndon's POV*

"-Paige Marche."

My breathing quickens, my heart races, I run a hand furiously through my hair.

My teeth grind together as my fists clench in anger.

How could he do this?

He knew that Paige wasn't his girlfriend anymore.

What did he get out of this?

I text Paige, saying,

Lyndon47: Paige have you watched the news?

She responds almost instantly.

Pagy: Yes, I can't believe that he did that on national television.

I think for a moment before saying,

Lyndon47: You want to do something about it?

Pagy: What?

I grin manically as I type,

Lyndon47: Why don't we go ask him ourselves?


Sorry for the short chapter but I've been very busy lately.

I will try to update again before Friday.

Have a lovely day! ☺️

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