Chapter 16: The Days

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My eyes slowly open, shutting also instantly at the sunlight coming through the hotel window.

I feel something warm beside me and look over to see Paige sleeping peacefully next to me.

I allow myself a small smile.

Then I look down at myself.

I'm still wearing my tuxedo from last night.

It was now wrinkled and dirty.

Mom was going to kill me.

I sit up and I reach over to attempt to get the TV remote from the table close to the bed.

I have almost grasped it but I slip and fall on my face.

Paige and Maz are waken up by the loud thud and look over to see me on the floor.

"Good morning." I say sitting up.

They just look at each other and laugh.

Paige tries to sit up but then she flinches and falls back down with an "Ow."

"Headache?" Maz asks, as Paige nods.

"Look Maz, our little Pagy is having her first hangover!" I say like a proud parent.

Maz grins and says,"Great job Pagy! You got a migraine and everything!"

Suddenly Paige jolts up, her headache forgotten and she rushes to the bathroom.

Maz lets out a small laugh and follows her.

I'm pretty sure she's puking though I don't hear anything. The walls must be soundproof or something.

I sit on the chair in front of the TV and watch some Law and Order.

Eventually Paige and Maz come out of the bathroom.

I grin up at Paige and ask,"How you holding up?"

She shrugs and flops onto the bed with a groan.

I laugh and Maz takes advantage of my distraction to take the remote to change it to Supernatural.

I raise an eyebrow at her and she shrugs and says,"It's a good show."

So we watch that as Paige recovers from her hangover.

I watch the show with Maz and by the end of the three episodes that came on I was really confused.

"So the two guys, Sam and Dean, are brothers? And they're trying to not be the vessels of Michael and Lucifer?"

Maz nods and turns off the TV.

"Come on Paige. Rise and shine time!"

Paige groans and covers her face with a pillow.

"You asked for it." Maz says, then she turns to me,"Carry her out to the car."

I'm about to argue but Maz is already out the door.

I look at Paige and sigh.

Then I pick her up bridal style and she jolts awake.

"Put me down Lyndon!" She shrieks.

I grin at her while walking out of the room and say,"No can do Pagy, I have direct orders to carry you to the car. I can't just disobey a direct order."

She glares at me but I can see her trying to hold back a smile.

I carry her down the flight of stairs and into the lobby where Maz is checking us out of the hotel.

The clerk gives us a "you again" look as he hands Maz back her credit card.

I walk past him and go out to Maz's car.

I open the back passenger door and sit her down. I close the door and then get into the passenger seat.

Maz walks out of the hotel and sits in the driver seat and starts the car.

Then we drive to our houses.

No one really says much.

The words that are in our minds are left unsaid.

Paige is the first to be dropped off.

She waves at us as she disappears into her house.

Once we get to my house Maz gives me a high five.

"What was that for?" I ask, confused.

She grins at me,"You finally had the guts to tell her. You did good Lyndon"

I grin and say,"Thanks Maz."

She shrugs it off and says,"No problem, now get out of my car Alexander."

I hold up my hands in surrender and go into my house.


Later that night I was about to go to sleep when I get a text from Maz.


Confused I turn on the TV in my room and turn the channel to the news network.

I see who it is an my fist clench.

Then I read the headline, and see another picture pop up.

The remote shatters in my hands.


Look at that cliffhanger. :3

Looks like Lyndon is pretty upset. Any guesses on what it's about?

Have a lovely day! 😊

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