Chapter 18: The Deciet

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I really needed to punch something.

If it was going to be Andre so be it.

That arrogant asshat had no right to do what he did.

He lied to the world.

I wanted to know the reason.

So I could have the reason to punch him and not have Paige be mad at me for it.

As we drive to Andre's apartment, Paige's voice breaks through my fuming thoughts.

"Why would he do that?"

I glance over at her. Her hair still messy from sleep, eyes not completely awake.

She was so beautiful.

Then I glance away.

Focus on the road Lyndon.

"It makes absolutely no sense. How does this benefit him in any way? I'm not famous or rich."

"Those things shouldn't matter to him. But even if they do, they don't have to matter to you. Look Paige, you have a great personality, you are quick to trust people and are the kindest person I have ever met. You are beautiful in every way and if that arrogant dickwad can't see that then I will personally kick him where the sun doesn't shine."

Paige laughs and says," Thanks Lyndon."

I grin and say,"No problem Pagy."

Finally we reach the apartment the Blu family call home.

It's one of those fancy places, with the shiny floors and snobby workers.

I would never go on there on normal circumstances,

But no one messes with the people I love.

I freeze and backtrack.

I think about what I just thought.

Do I love Paige?

I think of Paige, her kind personality, her warm smile, her bright eyes, the way I felt around her,

The way it felt to kiss her.


I snap out of my thoughts and see Paige open the door to the apartment building, looking at me expectantly.

"Are you coming or are you just going to stare into space forever?" She says teasingly.

I laugh and follow her into the building.


We enter a lavish lobby with a chandelier and people in tuxedos and dresses everywhere.

Paige and I walk over to the front desk. A man in a suit whose name tag says his name is Vince, eyes us as we approach.

"How may I help you?" He says in a posh voice.

Paige then says in a polite voice,"We are here to see the Blu family."

The man looks at her and then recognition flashes across his face.

"You are are young Mr. Blu's significant other. Are you not?"

Paige forces a nod and the man smiles at her, he hands her a room key, and says,"5th floor, room 3b."

She nod and says "Thank you sir."

He nods and then starts scrolling on his computer.

Paige and I get into the elevator and ascend to the lion's den.


When we reach room 3b, Paige hesitates in front of the door.

I look at her face, "What's wrong Paige?"

She looks up at me and says,"What if his father is there Lyndon?"

I stiffen,

Alastair Blu, Andre's father, was the richest man in the the world.

He had surpassed Bill Gates after Blu Industries blackmailed Microsoft a few years ago.

Ever since no company had ever dared to cross Alastair Blu.

Alastair could find blackmail on anyone.

That included Paige.

I thought about it said,"That's a chance we have to take to find the truth I guess."

She nods and opens the door.

Inside is a disaster zone.

Clothes and sheets strewn everywhere. Trash thrown this way and that.

Laying in the middle of a king sized bed is Andre.

He's shirtless, only wearing basketball short.

He opens one eye and grins at us.

"Hey guys, what brings you here?"

It takes all my will power not to punch him.

"Why?" Paige asks.

"Why what?" Andre says with mock innocence.

"Why did you says I was your girlfriend on national television?"

"Oh that." He says with a smirk. He get up and walks towards us,"Well let's just say I'm not one to stay loyal in a relationship." He grins at Paige,"You would know about that." Then he continues,"But Daddy dearest says I have to have a girlfriend in order to withhold the honor of our family. So I thought, hmm, who would be a believable girlfriend for me. And I though of you Paige!"

By now he's standing less than a foot away from Paige and I.

"And how," I ask,"do you plan on preventing Paige from exposing this little scheme of yours?" I says angrily.

He smiles widely and says," If she doesn't go along with this then I'll get my Dad to make both of your lives a living hell. And I'll make Maz's miserable as well."


Well then.

Looks like we have a conflict on the story.

What do you guys think of Andre's plan and his threats? And the Paydon though?

Have a lovely day! 😊

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