Chapter 6: The Conflict

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Pic above is Lyndon. 😸


I rush into the hospital, Maz on my heels.

I reach the nurse's office and say,"Where is Lyndon Stone?"

She types in something on her computer, blowing blonde hair out of her eyes. "Room 26A"

I thank her and drag Maz to the room.

Lyndon is sitting in the bed. Looking ridiculous in a blue hospital gown. His nose has bandages on it and his lip is swollen, and additionally he has a black eye.

He looks over when we come in and grins,"Hey Pay, sup Maz. What's up?"

"Funny," I say,"I was about to ask you the same thing."

He keeps in grinning,"Nothing much, I got a B in History, I tried sushi again, and got into a fight with lover boy. You?"

I glare at him,"What happened Lyndon? And why did you start punching him."

Lyndon sighs and turns to us. He gestures for us to sit in the two chairs beside the bed. Maz and I do, looking at him.

"We had been working on our project. Just talking about random things like school and sports. Then all of a sudden he starts talking about you Pay. How he's going to ask you to Homecoming. I tell him that I know someone else who was going to-"

I interrupt him,"Who?"

He clears his throat,"Not important."

I glare at him but say nothing, Maz looks like she's not convinced.

"Then he says this guy doesn't stand a chance. That you're too good for him. And I know this guy well and said that he did. Then Andre says that this guy will never take you to Homecoming. And...I got angry and punched him. You know what happens after that..."

Maz and I stare at him in shock.

"Who was the person?"

Lyndon quickly says,"Someone I knew in football."

But by the way he refuses to meet my gaze I can tell that's a lie.

Who was going to ask me to Homecoming besides Andre?

But no matter what one thing was for sure.

I had no idea what I was going to do.


The next day we are in 1st block, the bell's about to ring.

Lyndon and Andre have been staring daggers at each other the entire time.

Finally the bell rings and Andre walks with me in the hallway.

"Hey Paige can I ask you a question?" He asks.

I almost trip over someone.

"Yeah what is it?" I ask.

We stop in the middle of the hallway. I notice Lyndon lingering near us but don't think much about it.

Andre runs a hand through his hair, dark eyes looking at me with a mixture of hope and nervousness.

"So, um, you know Homecoming is coming up and I wanted to ask if you would possibly...go with me?"

I stare at him for a second. I can tell he is being sincere with this question.

I take a deep breath.



Sorry, please don't hate me Paydon shippers. 😣

This was part of my own original plan to this story.

Spoiler: Confrontation with Lyndon and Maz. And possibly some Pandre moments.

Have a lovely day! ☺️

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