Chapter 5: The Fight

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The next day I stand in the back of the class in 1st block.

Maz and Lyndon stand beside me.

Today we get assigned with partners for the rest of the year.

We are each teamed up with two other people. We are stuck with them for the rest of the year.

Lyndon, Maz, and I asked to be put in a group but Mr. Jones had made no promises.

He motions to the first group of 3 desks and says,"Maz, James, and Mina."

Maz sends us a 911 look, but went over and sit down.

"In the back we have Lyndon, Paige..."

Lyndon and I high five and sit down.

"...and Andre."

Lyndon and I both gape at Mr. Jones who just shrugs.

Andre sits in the empty seat, he smiles at me, I smile back.

I look at Lyndon who's glaring at Andre. I kick his shin, he looks at me with a questioning look.

I tear out a piece of paper from my notebook and write,"You're starting at Andre like he murdered your family."

He writes back,"I just don't like him. There's something about him that I don't like."

I raise an eyebrow at him, he just shrugs and listens to Mr. Jones' lecture.

"We will discuss this later, Lyndon Alexander Stone." I wrote back.

He writes," * gasps* You dare use the full name card, Paige Katherine Marche?"

I reply,"Oh but I do Lyndon."

He smirks at me and writes,"Well we WILL discuss this later, Katherine."

I grin and write,"Okay Alexander."


I rush through the halls looking for Lyndon.

Where is that idiot? He better be here.

I spot Maz's red curls and tap her shoulder.

She turns around and says quickly,"Have you heard Paige?"

I give her a confused look,"Heard what?" I ask.

Her eyes grow wide,"You don't know?"

I shake my head. Her eyes grow concerned and she says,"It's about Lyndon and Andre."

It's my turn to be surprised,"What about them?"

Her eyes grow clouded.

"It was 4th period, we had been working on a project for tech. Lyndon and Andre were in charge of designing a 3 dimensional figure that could hold 3 objects they had been given. They had been talking a little bit and everything had seemed fine. Then Lyndon started yelling at Andre and Andre yelled at Lyndon and..."

She took a deep breathe,"Then they start throwing punches and it took two of the janitors to separate them."

I blink, that was impressive because our janitors were as ripped as professional wrestlers.

"Then they were both sent to the office. Lyndon had a broken nose and I think he had a busted lip. But Andre had a freaking concussion cause Lyndon hit him so hard he blacked out and hit the floor."

"What in the hëll were they arguing about?" I ask a wanting to know what had caused my best friend to be so violent.

Maz hesitated before saying," I couldn't hear but Kennedy said it was you."


So what did you think of this chapter? About the fight between Lyndon and Andre? Any guesses on what their disagreement about Paige was?

I'll try to update tomorrow or Monday depending what happens.

Spolier: Next chapter Paige decides who she will go to Homecoming with. Lyndon or Andre.

Have a lovely day! ☺️

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