Chapter 12: The Confrontation

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Saying that I was shocked was an understatement.

When I had first walked through those door I had thought that this was just going to be a night of talking to my two best friends and maybe dancing with Andre.

Now here I was kissing the boy who had been my best friend for as long as I could remember.

Now, I wasn't complaining, but it was strange.

All this time of Lyndon being my friend and now he was so much more.

It was a drastic change but it was a good one at that.

Once we pulled away from each other we were both out of breath.

I look at Lyndon. He's grinning at me, eyes shining brightly.

I smile back then look at the ground.

Everything had happened so fast, I needed time to process this.

Lyndon puts a finger under my chin, tilting my face back up.

"You okay Pagy?" He asks, eyes full of concern.

"Yeah," I say nodding ,"I'm fine."

He takes a step back and rubs the back of his neck. "Sorry." He says looking at the floor.

"For what?" I ask.

He looks at me, "For kissing you."


He thinks I'm mad now cause he kissed me even though I came with Andre.

Even though I said I didn't want to be with Andre.

"Don't apologise," I say,"I'm glad it was you."

He smiles and looks like he's about to say something then he notices something behind him.

His eyes narrow and burn with hatred.

I'm about to turn around but he puts his hands on my shoulders, holding me in place.

"Paige, I'm not sure you want to turn around."

"What is it?" I ask, confused by his action.

"I honestly don't want to say, let's go talk to Maz or some-"

I twist out of his grip and turn around.

My eyes go wide, my jaw drops at what I see.

How could he?

Don't you just love cliffhangers?

I know I do. 😸

Anyway I hope you liked the chapter and I plan to update sometime on Monday or Tuesday. 😄

Have a lovely day! 😊

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