Chapter 8: The Secrets

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Pic above is Maz. 😸


Andre and Lyndon both leave, saying they have to finish their project that they were doing in tech.

The moment the door closes I focus on Maz.

"Spill." I say intensity evident in my voice.

Maz puts up her hands in surrender as she says,"What do you want to know."

My eyes narrow at her,"What was that thing that happened between you and Lyndon? You stuttered and he kicks you for some reason. What's up Maz?"

She sighs with defeat,"Okay so when Lyndon said it was someone that he knew from football, he lied. The person he was talking about, He and Lyndon are very, very close."

I frown,"They're related?"

"Something like that." Maz says.

Then her ring tone goes off, indicating that she has received a text.

"Oh, um, Paige, I have to go, um, back home to watch my cousin. I'll text you later. Bye!"

She rushed out of the door and went in the direction her house.

I gather my things together and sling my bag over my shoulder.

Something about this whole thing was off.

How could you be kind of related to someone?

And what had Maz meant by they were really close?

I was too tired to think about it as I walked home.


Later that night, I am working on my essay for Mrs. Woodley's class when my phone receives a text.


Lyndon47: Sup Pay 😉

I roll my eyes at that and type back:

Pagy: Hello Lyndon, what do you want?

Lyndon47: *offended gasp* Can I not ask my bestest friend how she is? What has this world come to?

I laugh, Lyndon was the most amusing person I knew.

Pagy: You can't when you have an alternate motive.

Lyndon47: You got me Pay. I need the package put into the mailbox on West Brookes Street. Then grab the money and head for Cuba. Don't mess things up with Pablo and you should be fine.

I smile at that and reply:

Pay: Ha ha, very amusing Lyndon. But really what's up?

He replies almost instantly.

Lyndon47: What did Maz tell you, well, how much did she tell you?

I hesitate before saying:

Pay: She told me that the person that you and Andre got into a fight over was close to you, and in a way you guys are related.

Lyndon47: okay that's good.

Lyndon47: Sorry Pay, gotta watch Katy. bye :)

I turn off my phone confused.

What had he meant by "that's good"?

Who was Lyndon protecting?


Well sorry I didn't update sooner, I had a bit of writers block.

Well hope you enjoyed the chapter, Lyndon and Maz being all mysterious.


Have a lovely day! ☺️

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