Wolves attack

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Edmund POV

While the beavers and Y/n was telling us about the prophecy, I quietly left the beavers' dam to see the queen. When I got in, I saw lots of statues. Then for a moment a wolf jumped on and threatened "Be still, stranger, or you'll never move again. Who are you?" "I'm Edmund! I met the Queen in the woods! She told me to come back here, I'm a Son of Adam!" I told the wolf. "Hmm, my apologies, fortunate favorite of the queen. Or else not so fortunate. Right this way." The wolf apologized then led me into the throne room "Wait here." I was so astonished to see the queen's throne, "Like it?" She asked me which kind of startled me "Uh... Yes, y-your majesty." I replied. "I thought you might."

"Tell me Edmund... are your sisters deaf?" She questioned "no" I answered "And your brother, is he.... unintelligent?" She queried, of course Peter is, "Well, I think so. But mum says-" then she cut my sentence "Then how dare you come alone?!" She scolded me "I tried!" "Edmund, I asked so little of you." The queen told me "They just don't listen to me!" I said "You couldn't even do that!" She added to her speech earlier "I did bring them halfway. They're at the little house at the dam with the Beavers and Y/n." The queen's eyes widened as Edmund said Y/n " Did you say Y/n?" "Y-yes your ma-maje-jesty." I replied, I wondered why she looked a bit shocked when I mentioned Y/n's name. "Well, I suppose you're not a total loss then, are you?" She stated "Well, I was wondering.. could I maybe have some more, Turkish delight bow?" I asked the Queen. "Our guest is hungry" the queen said, then Ginarrbrik pointed a spear to my back and started pushing and said "This way for your num-nums." Maugrim? You know what to do." The queen commanded the wolf oh no this is bad what have I done, she really is the White Witch I thought.


"Hurry mother! They're after us!" Beaver shouted "Oh right then." Mrs Beaver replied while packing some food "What's she doing?" Peter asked me "Oh, you'll be thanking her later, it's a long journey and Beaver gets cranky when he's hungry." I replied to Peter "I'm cranky now!" Beaver added, Susan asked" Do you think we'll need jam?" "Only if the Witch serves toast" Peter answered Susan making a joke out of it which made me laugh a little bit then Susan glared at both of us. "Hurry!" I warned them "Badger and me dug this. Comes out right near his place." Beaver told us "You told me it let to your mum's!" Mrs Beaver asked, "Lucy!" I screamed because she kind tripped I guess? So I ran to her and grabbed her hand. "They're in the tunnel." Beaver warned "Quick! This way." Mrs Beaver shouted "Hurry!" I told them "You should have brought a map!" Mrs Beaver scolded Mr Beaver "There wasn't room next to the jam." He told his wife "Come on Lucy!" Susan shouted.

When we got out of the tunnel Lucy tripped again (Twice a row boi) "Ahh" she screamed because of statues "I'm so sorry dear." Mrs Beaver said comforting her husband, "He was my best mate." Beaver added "What happened here?" Peter asked "This is what becomes of those who cross the White Witch." Peter pushed me behind his back to protect me "You take one more step traitor and I'll chew you to splinters!" Beaver threatened. "Relax, I'm one of the good guys." The fox stated "Yeah? Well, you look an awful lot like the bad ones!" Beaver told the fox "An unfortunate family resemblance. But we can argue breeding later, right now we've gotta move." The fox replied to Beaver. "What did you have in mind?" I asked him then the fox looked up at the tree.

When the wolves got out of the tunnel the fox greeted them "Greetings gents. Lost something haven't we?" "Don't patronize me! I know where your allegiance lies. We're looking for some humans." The wolves threatened the fox "Humans? Here in Narnia? That's a valuable bit of information, don't you think?" The fox replied "You're reward is your life. It's not much but still, where are the fugitives?" The wolves asked him then they bit him which caused Lucy and I to scream but Susan covered her little sister's nouth and Peter covered mine. "North! They ran north!" The fox exclaimed "Smell them out." Maugrim commanded his fellow wolves. We then all went down the tree, I was helping Lucy get down, because all my focus was on Lucy, I almost fell but I felt some arms wrapped around my waist. When I opened my eyes I saw it was Peter.

"They were helping Tumnus, the witch got here before I did. Oww!" The fox shouted in pain while I bandage his wounds, I asked him "Are you alright?" "Well, I wish I could say their bark was worse then their bite, oww!" He replied. "Stop squirming! You're worst than Beaver on bath day." Mrs Beaver scolded him and Beaver added "Worst day of the year!" "Thank you for your kindness, but that's all the cure I have time for." He thanked us, "You're leaving?" Lucy asked him, "It has been a pleasure my queen, and an honour, but time is short and Aslan himself has asked me to gather more troops." The fox answered Lucy. "You've seen Aslan? What's he like?" Mrs Beaver asked the fox. "Like everything we've ever heard. You'll be glad to have him by your side in battle against the White Witch." He replied to Mrs Beaver's question. "But we're not planning on fighting any witch!" Ugh here we go again Susan, I thought as I rolled my eyes. "But surely, King Peter! The prophecy! We cant just go to war without you." Then everyone looked at Peter, when he noticed everyone was staring at him he looked into my e/c eyes while I looked into his Sapphire eyes, so we had eye contact for a few seconds then he spoke up "We just want our brother back." Then we broke eye contact. Since everyone was tired they fell asleep except Peter and I. "Peter aren't you gonna sleep?" I asked, "I'm not tired." He told me "Okay, goodnight." Then I fell asleep.

Edmund POV

The Witch brought me into her cell which was very dark and cold, she gave me something that doesn't loom edible or it is, so I just put it down and decides not to eat it, then I heard a voice "If.. if you're not gonna eat that... I'd get up but... my legs." The creature said, so I gave him the food, then I looked at him and learned it was a faun so I thought it was Mr Tumnus. "Mr Tumnus" I told him  "You're Lucy Pevensie's brother?" He asked "I'm Edmund." I replied, "Yes, yes. You have the same nose. Is your sister alright?" He asked me "I-I don't know." I answered him. Then the Witch came and opened the cells "My police came and tore that dam apart. Your little family is nowhere to be found." She then pulled me up and asked me "Where did they go?!" "I-I don't know." I answered her then she dropped me, " Then you're of no use further to me." "Wait! Y/n said something about Aslan!" I exclaimed, Her eyes widened when I said Aslan, "Aslan? Where?!" She asked "I-" "He's a stranger here your majesty. He can't be expected to know anything." Mr Tumnus said trying to defend me. "I said... where is Aslan?!" She asked again and I replied "I... don't know. I left before they said anything! I wanted to see you!" I excused myself. "Guard!" She shouted "Yes your majesty. "Release the faun." She commanded. "Do you know why you're here faun?" "Because I believe in a free Narnia." Mr Tumnus replied. "You're here because... He! Turned you in for sweeties!" The Witch told Mr Tumnus while pointing at me with her wand. Mr Tumnus looked at me, he felt betrayed (Author: In my opinion didn't Mr Tumnus betray Aslan before? IDK if he did. If yk PLS TELL ME IN THE COMMENTS! SRRY FOR DISTURBING UR READIBG TIME BYE SEE YOU IN ZE END OF ZE CHAPTER😊!)
"Take time upstairs! And ready my sleigh! Edmund misses his family." The Witch ordered her servants.


The next day, we woke up and prepared to go to Aslan's camp "Now, Aslan's camp is near the Stone Table, just across the frozen river." I said "river?" Susan repeated it "The river has been frozen for a hundred years." I stated. "It's so far." Peter complained, "it's the world dear, what do you expect it to be?" Mrs Beaver asked "Smaller" Susan answered, "When you're ready Son of Adam." I told Peter.


HLO PEEPS ITS ME AGAIN LOL🤣 just saying hi so goodbye, sorry I wasted your time LMAOO!!

I met you in Narnia 《Book 1》 ( Peter Pevensie x Female Reader )Where stories live. Discover now