I'll see you again

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Your dress

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Your dress

Y/n is 30 years old in the start of this chapter.

I5 years had passed, the Pevensies and I continued ruling Narnia. Right now Edmund is teaching me how to play chess. "You move the pawn like this." He told me when Peter suddenly came. "Y/n! Ed!" He shouted. "What is it Pete?" I asked. "The white stag is back." He stated. "Then let's go now." Edmund replied. "Do you want to come with us Y/n?" Peter asked me. "It's alright... I'll just stay here." I answered. "We'll be back before sunset." He stated. I then walked to the library and continued reading f/b. I finished reading it during sunset. After reading, I decided to check if Peter and his siblings are back but they still weren't there so I became worried and sent guards to find them. Tumnus came and told me, "Your majesty." "Welcome Tumnus." I replied. "I think the kings and queens went back to their world as I had found Queen Susan's horn near the place where I first met Queen Lucy. At the lamppost." "Thank you Tumnus." I answered. I then ran to the stables and hopped on my horse. I then reached the lamppost and started searching the area. But no sign of them. I felt hot tears fall from my cheeks but I looked at my engagement ring and my hopes went up that I'll see them again. "I'll see you again Peter." I encouraged myself. I then went back to the castle and ate dinner all alone for the first time. Then I went into my room, dressed into my nightgown and slept. In my dream I then saw Aslan. "Aslan!" I yelled happily as I ran to him in the dream. "It's nice to see you again dear one." He greeted me. "Aslan... The Pevensies went back to their world, will I ever see them again?" I asked him. "Of course dear one but you must wait." He told me. "But.... Time here in Narnia is faster than theirs." I replied. "Don't worry about that. But let's go to a more important situation here. Narnia will be invaded soon and as queen, you need to do your job." "Invasion?" I asked then I suddenly woke up. When I woke up I was 15 years old again. After a moment, I heard Aslan's voice telling me that I will age at the speed of Peter's world. Then I warned the Narnians about the invasion. Some of them turned against the Pevensies but I tried to defend them. I never thought my future would be like this.

Finally done with the last chapter 😊. Hope you enjoyed. I'll update when the second book is out!
- Addison

I met you in Narnia 《Book 1》 ( Peter Pevensie x Female Reader )Where stories live. Discover now