Gifts from father christmas

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"Come on humans while we're still young!" Beaver shouted. "If he tells us to hurry one more time I'm gonna turn him into a big fluffy hat." Peter joked and I laughed a little bit, "He's getting a little bossy." Lucy stated. "Y/n" Susan called me "Yea?" I answered, "How did you end up here in Narnia?" She asked me, "I was born here, during the reign of the White Witch." I replied, "Oh, so how was your life like." "It was horrible until Aslan found me when I was 4." I told her "Behind you it's her run!" Beaver Warned so I turned around and saw a sleigh chasing us so I grabbed Susan's hand and ran along with the others, when we stopped we hid in a cave under the hills. 6 of tried to fit in, "I'll suppose I'll go." Peter said which made me push his chest so he won't go "no!" I exclaimed "You're worth nothing to Narnia dead!" Mr Beaver stated. "Well neither are you beaver." Mrs Beaver warned him. "Thanks sweetheart." Beaver thanked his wife, so he got out of the cave to see who it is.

"Come out! Come out!" Mr Beaver commanded us, "I hope you've all been good cause there's someone here to see you!" He added. So all of us got out and saw a man with a red coat. "Merry Christmas sir!" Lucy greeted, "It certainly is Lucy, since you arrived. Look I've put up with a lot since I got here, but this..." Father Christmas said. "We thought you were the White Witch." Peter stated. "Yes, yes. I'm sorry about that, but in my defense I have been driving one of these longer than the White Witch." He replied to Peter. "I thought there was not Christmas in Narnia." Susan asked. "No, for a long time. But the hope you have brought your majesties, is finally starting to weaken the witch's power. Still I dare you could with these." Father Christmas answered Susan, "Presents!" Lucy exclaimed cheerfully, "The juice of the fire flower. One drop will cure each injury." He reminded Lucy as he gave her a healing cordial. "And though I hope you never have to use it." Father Christmas added as he gave Lucy a dagger. "Thank you sir, but I think I could be brave enough." Lucy thanked him. "I'm sure you could Lucy." I encouraged her as I rubbed her back. "Susan." He called then she stepped forward. "Trust in this bow and it will not easily miss." Then he handed Susan a bow and arrow, "What happened to 'battles are ugly affairs'?" She asked. "Though you don't seem to have a problem making yourself heard, blow on this and wherever you are, help will come." So he gave her a horn with a Lion design on it. "Thanks." "Peter, the time to use these may be near at hand." He gave Peter a sword ( Author: I think it's a Rhindon though lol) With a lion design, in addition it's color red. "Thank you sir." Peter replied. "Y/n." I was a bit surprised when he called my name, I thought he would only give the sibblings. "Yes sir." "Aslan wanted me to give you these because he believes you'll be a help to Narnia." Then he handed me a beautiful blue bow and arrow and a blue sword.

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Your weapons

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Your weapons

"Thank you so much." I thanked him. "These are tools not toys, bear them wisely. Now I must be off, Winter is almost over and things pile up when you've been gone for a hundred years. Long live Aslan! And Merry Christmas!" Father Christmas waved a goodbye. "Merry Christmas!" We all greeted. "Told you he was real." Lucy told her siblings. "He said winter is almost over, you know what that means..." Peter reminded then I finished his sentence "No more ice! We need to cross now.".

So we head to the frozen river and Lucy asked "Don't beavers make dams?" "I'm not fast dear." Beaver replied. "Come on!" I shouted "Wait will you think about this for a minute!" Susan suggested WHY is this girl like this ugh I thought. "We don't have a minute!" Peter replied "I'm just trying to be realistic!" Susan added "You're just trying to be SMarT as usual!" Peter answered her (Author: Peter 100% LEVEL PRIDE LOL jk, don't take it seriously Y/n) "Wait, maybe I should go first." Beaver recommended. "Maybe you should." Peter agreed.

"You've been sneaking second helpings haven't you?" Mrs Beaver asked her husband. "Well you'll never know which meal's gonna be your last. Especially with your cooking." Beaver joked, "If mom knew what we were doing.." Susan said then Peter and I cut her sentence.

"Mom's not here!"
"Your mom's not here!" We said in unison. Then we all saw wolves coming our way. "Oh no, run!" Peter yelled. Maugrim's fellow wolves pinned the beaver couple to the ground then Peter unsheated his sword and pointed it at the wolf, I could see he was shaking. "Put that down boy, someone could get hurt." He commanded Peter to. "Don't worry about me! Run him through!" Beaver shouted. "Leave now while you can and your brother leaves with you." Maugrim stated, "Stop Peter! Maybe we should listen to him!" Susan recommended. "Don't listen to him! Kill him! Kill him now!" Beaver warned. "Oh come on, this isn't your war, all my queen wants is for you to take your family and go." Maugrim added "Look! Just because a man in a red coat hands you a sword that doesn't make you a hero, just drop it!" Susan commanded, "No Peter! Narnia needs ya! Gut him while you still have a chance!" Beaver shouted, "So what's it gonna be Son of Adam? I won't wait forever." "Peter!" I screamed, I was worried for Peter because it seems like he doesn't know what to do so I unsheated my sword and yelled "Everyone hold on!" Then I stabbed the ice and it cracked then water started coming out of the frozen waterfall.

We all hold onto Peter then I saw Lucy loose her grip on Peter so I jumped into the water to find her. Luckily I found her and swam back to shore, after that we heard people shouting my name and Lucy. "Has anyone seen Lucy's coat?" I asked. "Y/n saved me from drowning." Lucy announced happily which made me quite shy, "Don't worry dear, your brother got you well looked after." Beaver told Lucy, "And I don't think you'll be needing those coats anymore." Mrs Beaver announced. Suddenly the frozen trees started blooming again then we just left our coats hanging on one of the trees. On our way to Aslan's camp, I heard Peter calling my name "Y/n, can I tell you something." He asked me staring at my e/c eyes as I stare at his blue eyes, "Sure, why not." I replied. "About what you did there in the frozen river, that was really brave of you. You saved us from the wolves and saved Lucy from drowning, thank you." He told me. After he told that to me I felt my cheeks turn hot am I blushing?! "Y/n are you ok?" He asked then I snapped of my thoughts, "It's my pleasure Peter, also you need to stay alive for Narnia." I answered him.



I met you in Narnia 《Book 1》 ( Peter Pevensie x Female Reader )Where stories live. Discover now