Aslan's camp

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Edmund POV

The witch brought us near the frozen river, when I saw the river melted I was relieved that my brothers and sisters are ok. "It's so warm out. I'll go and check the sleigh." Ginnarrbrik said. "Your majesty. we found the traitor." Maugrim and his fellow wolves came with a fox. "He was rallying your enemies near the Shuddering Woods." Maugrim added. "Ah. Nice of you to drop in. You were so helpful to my wolves last night. Perhaps you can help me now." The White Witch told the fox. '' Forgive me, your majesty.'' He apologized, ''Oh don't waste my time with flattery." The witch commanded the fox then he replied ''Not to seem rude but I wasn't actually talking to you.'' then he looked at me. ''Where are the humans headed?'' The White Witch demanded him to answer her, she was about to kill the fox so I stopped her. "Wait! No! Don't. The beaver said something about the Stone Table, and that Aslan had an army there.'' I told the White Witch hoping she would spare the fox. ''An army? Thank you, Edmund. I'm glad this creature got to see some honesty... before he dies." Then she turned the fox into stone. ''No!'' I yelled, then the witch hit my face. ''Think about whose side you're on, Edmund... Mine.... or theirs.'' She questioned me. ''Go on ahead. Gather the faithful. If it's a war Aslan want..'' then she turned a moth into stone ''it's a war he shall get.''


''Why are they all staring at us?'' Susan asked. ''Maybe they think you look funny.'' Lucy answered. ''Shut up, two of you look lovely.'' I replied. As we reached the camp, we headed to Aslan's tent. Peter raised his sword and said ''We have come to see Aslan.'' When Aslan was coming out, everyone bowed down. "Welcome Peter Son of Adam. Welcome Susan, Lucy and Y/n daughters of eve, and welcome to you beavers, you have my thanks. But where is the fourth one?" Aslan greeted and asked. "That's why were here sir. We need your help." Peter replied "We had a little trouble along the way." Susan added, "Their brother has been captured by the White Witch." I told Aslan. "Captured? How could this happen?" He asked. "He betrayed them, your majesty." Beaver replied. "Then he has betrayed us all!" Oreius shouted, "Peace Oreius. I'm sure there's an explanation." Aslan told Oreius. "It's my fault really, I was too hard on him." When Peter said that, I put my hand on his shoulders to comfort him, "We all were." Susan said. "Sir he's our brother." Lucy told Aslan. "I know dear one, but that only makes the betrayal worse." Replied to Lucy, "things may be harder than you think." He added, after that I went to my tent and dressed up to a pale blue dress. I helped Lucy and Susan dress up, Susan wore a green dress and Lucy wore a blue one.

 I helped Lucy and Susan dress up, Susan wore a green dress and Lucy wore a blue one

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Your dress

After helping Lucy and Susan, I saw Peter up on the hill staring at Cair Paravel. So I decided to join him.

Peter POV

"Hey." When I turned around I saw it was Y/n, "Hi Y/n." I greeted, "Are you alright?" She asked me, "Not really until you came." I answered her then she just laughed a little bit. Suddenly Aslan came and announced "That is Cair Paravel, the castle of the 5 thrones in which Peter you will sit as High King and Y/n you as Queen." Y/n looked puzzled and asked Aslan "But.. Aslan, I'm not part of the prophecy. Why am I gonna sit as Queen?" "Dear one, you have wisdom in you, your wisdom is needed for Narnia and to help the kings and queens." Aslan answered her but I just remained quiet.  "Peter, do you doubt the prophecy?" Aslan asked me "No. That's just it. Aslan I'm not what you all think I am." I replied, "Peter Pevensie, formerly of Finchley." I was shocked when Aslan told me that, then he added "Beaver also mentioned that you planned on turning him into a hat." We all started laughing after he said that. "Peter, there is a deep magic, more powerful than any of us that governs Narnia. It defines right from wrong, and governs all out destinies. Yours... nor mine.." he stated but I answered "But I couldn't even protect my own family." Then Y/n put her hand on my shoulder then my heartbeat started skipping. (Author: oohh, what does this mean huh😏?) "You've brought them safely so far." Y/n told me in a calm tone, "Not all of them." I answered her. "Peter, I will do what I can to help your brother, but I need you to consider what I ask of you. I too want my family safe." Aslan said. "I'm gonna check on Lucy and Susan, is that okay with you Aslan?" Y/n asked, "Of course dear one." Then she went down the hill.


"You look like mum." I heard Lucy describe Susan. "Mum hasn't had a dress like this since before the war." Susan replied to Lucy then I just suddenly spoke up "Maybe you should bring her one back, a whole trunk full." I told them, "Hi Y/n!" Lucy ran into me and gave me a hug. "If me and Lucy ever get back." Susan stated. "I'm sorry I was like that." She apologized to Lucy. I asked her "why are you apologizing to Lucy?" "Me and Lucy used to have fun together didn't we?" Susan answered me and asked Lucy. "Yes..." Lucy answered and I finished her sentence "Before you probably got boring." Lucy and I laughed. "Oh really?" Susan asked while smirking then she splashed water on me and I splashed her back, after, Lucy joined in also. "Nice we're all wet Susan!" I exclaimed, then I took my towel and Maugrim showed up. "Please don't try to run. We're tired, and we prefer to kill you quickly." Maugrim threatened with 2 wolves behind him. "Susan your horn!" I yelled.

Can you guess what will happen😏. Only Ik what will happen BWAHAHAHHAHA, in the movie it's just Maugrim and 1 wolf but I'm gonna do something with 3 wolves. Can u guess it huh? See ya at the next chapter!


I met you in Narnia 《Book 1》 ( Peter Pevensie x Female Reader )Where stories live. Discover now