We're all needed

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Next morning, I woke up got our of my tent, "Good morning Peter." I greeted then he turned around and greeted me back, then I looked at what Peter was staring at, I saw it was Edmund talking with Aslan then Lucy and Susan got out of their tent, "Edmund!" Lucy called his name but Peter hold on to her so she won't disturb Aslan and Edmund. After they discussed about something, both of them went down the hill and Aslan said "What's done is done. There is no need to speak to Edmund about what is past." Then Edmund spoke up "Hello." I noticed there was a scar on his mouth. Lucy ran to him and gave him a hug. Susan and I did the same and I asked "Are you alright?" "I'm a little tired." He answered me. "Get some sleep." Peter spoke, then Edmund went going to his tent, "And Edmund... try not to wonder off." Peter reminded him.

Later, we all sat down at the grass to eat our breakfast, and Edmund is eating his toast as fast as possible. "Narnia's not gonna run out of toast Ed." Lucy said then I laughed a little bit. "I'm sure they'll pack up for the journey back." Peter stated, then I asked "You guys are going home?" "They are." Peter replied. "I promised mum I'd keep you three safe. But it doesn't mean I can't stay behind and help." He reminded his siblings. "But Peter... we need all four of you." I stated. "Y/n, it's too dangerous, Lucy almost drowned and Edmund almost got killed!" He answered and Edmund spoke up "That's why we have to stay. I've seen what the White Witch can do. And I've helped her do it. And we can't leave these people behind to suffer for it." "I suppose that's it then." Susan said. "Where are you going?" Peter asked her, "She's gonna get in some practice Pete." I answered him, "Hey since when did you start calling me that." He replied, "Just thought of it cause it sounds cute." I answered then we just laughed.

Lucy and I joined Susan in some practice. "Do you like my brother?" Susan asked me while smiling, "What do you mean?" I asked, "Oh come on Y/n." She added and I just rolled my eyes. Susan was aiming her arrow at the yellow target and I helped her. She shoot and, actually not in the middle lol. Then Lucy moved forward and threw her dagger at the middle. She looked so proud after her victory. Then I stepped forward and shot my arrow at the middle. "Not bad Y/n." Susan stated, "Not bad?" I repeated it then Mr Beaver came, "Susan! Lucy! Y/n!" He exclaimed. "The witch demanded a meeting with Aslan, she's on her way." Mr Beaver added.

"Jadis, the queen of Narnia! Empress of the lone islands!" One of her servants announced and I glared at her. "You have a traitor in your midst, Aslan." She said which caused me to get hold of my sword. "His offense was not against you." Aslan answered her. "Have you forgotten the laws upon which Narnia was built." The witch asked him. "Do not cite the deep magic to me, Witch. I was there when it was written." He answered her. "Then you'll remember very well that every traitor belongs to me. His blood is my property." The Witch claimed. Peter unsheated his sword and pointed it at the witch "Try and take him then!" Peter exclaimed then I put my hand on his shoulder to calm him down. "Do you really think that mere force will deny me my right..... little King? Aslan knows that unless I have blood, as the law demands, all of Narnia will be overturned and perish with fire and water." The Witch spoke up and pointed at Edmund. "That boy will die on the Stone Table..... as is tradition. You dare not refuse me." She added. "Enough. I shall talk with you alone." Aslan said calmly.

So we all sat down at the grass and waited. It was so boring then Aslan came out "She has renounced on the Son of Adam." He announced. Then we all jumped for joy and I hugged Peter. "How do I know your promise will be kept?" The Witch asked, then Aslan roared loudly which caused her to sit down back to her throne. "Um... Y/n, can I tell you something up on the hill later?" Peter asked me, "Sure why not?" I answered. "Oooh, Y/n has a boyfriend." Lucy stated, "No Lucy, you're just 9, oh my gosh." I replied to her statement. "Ok, Good luck with that." Susan said.


"Hey Pete." I greeted. "Hey N/n." He replied. "Now you're calling me that one huh?" I told him. "Thought it would be cute to call you that." He answered but I just laughed. "Y/n...." "What?" I replied "I-I like you." He confessed and my cheeks turned red, "I like you too." Then I planted a kiss on his cheek and I noticed him blushing. Then we went down the hill and Lucy asked me "What happened up in the hill?" "Oh shush you." I replied "Lu, it's official." Susan told Lucy, "Come on what happened." She asked "Fine, he said he likes me." I answered, "I knew it would end like that." Susan stated.

- Addison

I met you in Narnia 《Book 1》 ( Peter Pevensie x Female Reader )Where stories live. Discover now