More than this *Liam James Payne* chapter 11

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My eyes adjust to the darkness and i feel something move next to me i could hardly see but, it looked like, Oh My God! Lachlan, I'm high off the ground and there are people laying on it, could it be??? Yes i think it is! Liam, Zayn!! what where they doing here? better yet what was i doing here? I slowly turned my head to the left, and lachlans' face was so close to mine, i quickly turned back, Why did this have to happen to me? plain old me, i sighed and Lachlan said, "I see you've waken up, sorry about the whole Alyshia thing" he put his arm around my shoulder and worked his way down to my breast, i glared at him and I saw Liam move on the ground, I pushed Lachlan away and tried to jump down to Liam, But i was too high up. lachlan just laughed and moved closer to me, I backed away as far as i could, but he grabbed me, he pulled me underneath him and un-buttoned my shirt, but not the same way Liam did he was fierce and it kinda hurt.

I could see Liam down below us and he had stood up and ran over to Zayn and shook him, Zayn woke and stood up I saw Zayn pointing toward me and lachie. A tear rolled down my face as i thought to myself, "what if liam sees? will he hate me? what if he thinks i like it?"

"Aww no need to cry Jesse, We're just having fun," Lachlan said really loudly propaply to make sure Liam had it. Lachlan reached his hands around my back to unclip my bra, it feel off and he threw it down to Liam and Zayn, "Liam," i cried and lachlan just looked and me planting his mouth onto mine. Lachlan was kissing my neck and pulling his shirt off at the same time. I tried pulling myself out from under him but he had a firm hold on my legs. i cried out to Liam again and he just looked at Zayn. Why wasn't he helping me? i loved him?

I was looking down on them and Zayn picked up my bra and gave it to Liam, Liam kind of just fell over. Lachlan stood up and looked at me, "Thankyou for that now, find a way to get out or we'll go again in an hour" i put my shirt back on and hung my feet over the edge. "Zayn," i called, "Is liam okay?"

"I'm not sure, but are you?" Zayn replied worridly,

"I'm fine at the moment but if we can find a way out I wont be, we have an hour" I said with tears rolling down my eyes

"Jump" Liam said looking up at zayn, "tell her to jump,"

"Liam wants you to jump jesse," Zayn shouted at me

" I can't Jump! It's like 20 meters!" I screamed, "Oh and didn't i mention, I'M SCARED OF HEIGHTS" Liam stood up and looked at me, "Jump Jess, i promise ill catch you," He said calmly

what should i do, Time was running out I loved liam but would i crush him, tears were rolling down my cheeks "Just Jump," Liam cried

"okay" i said trembling

"On my count" Liam said, "3...2...1"

i fell through the air *clutch* Liam had caught me, I looked at him and he wiped my tears away, handing me my bra, i blushed and he put me down, i stood and he grabbed my hand and i grabbed Zayns and we ran, we came to a locked door Liam pushed me back while him and Zayn kicked the door down, we ran onto a street, it looked farmililar it was the street to our school! i knew where we were, we all sprinted home and locked the door. we sat on my couch and liam put his head in his hands mumbling "it's all my fault" under his breath, i looked up at him and said "Liam this isn't your fault"

"Yes it is jess! i went out to buy breakfast and forgot to lock the door, they were waiting outside, I'm sorry jess, are, are you okay" Liam Said with tears running down his checks i nodded even though we both knew I wasn't, I placed my head on his shoulder and just cried, he hugged me and Zayn sat beside me and wrapped his arms around me.


special credit to my friend Alicia for helping me with the beggining

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