More than this *Liam James Payne* chapter 18

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Oh that's who, i figured out as i re-read the text, Sanny! But how'd she get my number i re-read the text, "Oi, Bitch!! Back off, I wont, haha room 67 is it? hmm Back off"  It was obviously about Liam, should i tell him or not? My phone started ringing, Shit It was mr. Ritz, "Hello Jesse" He said

"hey" I replied with my best sick voice

"Yesh, you dont sound to well" He said

"Nope, not really, how bout we have that coffee some other time?" I asked

"Sure love" He replied

"thanks mate" I said

"Nice talking to you jess, get well soon" He said then hung up the phone, Phew! i had gotten out of that, I thought i might call Liam to ask him about the text when my phone buzzed again, "Oh and you'd better not tell anyone, dont forget sweetie, i know where you live" Wow, okay now i was scared.

I brushed it off and went on skype, alana called, "Hello love, How's everything going over there and guess what?" She said exitedly

"what?" I asked

"I've finally got enough money to come over" She said happily

" OH MY GOD" I screamed, "WHEN!?"

"well in five weeks, but there is a catch, would you mind paying for my return ticket? because i dont know when or if i want to leave, and my parents have said it's fine just to get a one way" she asked slowly, "Sure, My great grandparents just shipped me a load of cash so sure!" i said exitedley, "I cant wait to see you!"

"I have to go, I'm going to bed now, just waited up for you to tell you" She said sleepily

"Goodnight lani, miss you"

"you to" she replied and hung up

I Ran over to Liam house and knocked on the door, he answered, "Guess what?" I asked happily,

"Erm what?" he asked,

"Alana's coming over" I shouted

"Oh god, not the perverted one" He joked I laughed then hugged him tightly. and my phone buzzed in my pocket, "I told you to back off, what dont you understand about, i know where you live" It said, i backed away and Liam looked at me strangly, he grabbed my phone and ran inside before i could get it back. He slowly opened the door, "Who's sending you these?" he asked in concern i looked down and said, "Liam dont worry about it, i dont know and well, i dont care"

"I know you care jess, im not stupid," He said slowly.

"Look Liam, dont worry about it, it has nothing to do with you" I said he pulled me inside his house

"It obviosly does" he said as he sat me down, on the couch, "reply to it and ask who it is? alright?"

I nodded and did as he said, "Look, I'm sorry I dont know who you're talking about, but erm who is this?"

"You're not as smart as you seem love, You know who I'm talking about, you're with him right now!" They replied, "could it be sanny?" i asked liam,

"I... erm i.. i hope not" he said, "Erm, Hey dont worry about it, wanna spend the night here, you'll be safe" he asked.

"Sure, Ill go get my stuff" I replied

"I'll come with you" Liam said protectively. I smiled as we walked to my room,

"Mum," I asked, "You mind if i spend the night with Liam and his family"

"Sure, why not" Mum said happily, I packed some things into my bag and walked back over to Liams place.


What happens at Liams?

p.s. sorry i havn't written in a while was really sick

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