More than this *Liam James Payne* chapter 21

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"Come on and get ready, i know the weather's a little dull, but im going to make today a day you'll remember, when you miss me" Liam said pulling me out of bed, "I'm making breakfast so go get ready love"

"what time is it?" i moaned

"6:30" Liam answer

"ha! i love you" i replied making my way over to the shower, I showerd got dressed into my bristish flag T'shirt and some grey skinny jeans, Put on my red beanie, and left my hair wavey. I walked out and Liam Had prepared waffles and cream, "Liam, if you keep making these breakfasts I'll get fat" i joked

"even if you were i wouldn't stop loving you, dont forget to pack swimmers for today by the way " Liam said sitting me down, he kissed my check and we ate breaky Liam showered and put on a plain grey t-shirt and blue faded jeans.

He grabbed my hand and walked out, "what are the plans for today?" i asked

"it's a surprise jess" He said laughing, We walked down into the busy streets and to a huge beautiful lake in the middle of the streets, There was a small wooden canoe sitting on the rocks. "Hope in" Liam siad, i did as he said and hopped into the canoe, he jumped in after pushing it out. Liam rowed us out into the middle, The boat started slowley spinning, "Jesse, You are my world and i love you more than anything i ever have and ever will. I want you to never forget that, promise?" Liam said with his soft voice

"I promise you liam, I love you so much" I replied,

"good, then dance with me" He smiled standing up and putting his hand out for me to take, I smiled took his hand and his arms wrapped around my waist, mine around his neck he started singing thinking of you "Katy perry" we danced, This moment was magical.

the canoe started drifting and rocking really hard, It capsized tossing Liam and i overboard, He grabbed my hand, and pulled me close to him, "come on love, lets get this boat back over" He said laughing, we pushed it over and liam climbed in pulling me in after him, we lay down in the boat, my head on his chest and his arms around my stomach. We lay there like that for 10 minutes, Liam Lifted me up and got up, "okay, time for the next part of today" Liam said rowing into the shore. he got our pulled the boat in, as i walked got to the frount of the boat the get out, Liam grabbed me by the hips lifted me out and spun me around His hands slipped my down my back, & lent in toward me, His soft warm lips pressed against mine and his hands slid down my back into my back pockets, i had my hands sliding down his back, Liam grabbed my hand and pulled away.

"Come on jess, dont want to waiste today" he said pulling my hand after him, we ran throught the streets and came to water park, "Told you to pack swimmers" he laughed, we both went and got changed. Liam took my hand and we walked over to The water rush, It was a huge clear tube that seat two. Liam and i walked over to the line, He grabbed my waist and leant up against the rails "You'll never know how much i love you" liam wispered in my ear, I kissed his neck, and giggled, We where waiting in the line for around half an hour, every five minutes liam wispered to me, "I love you more than anything" and "You're so beautiful, it's crazy", "I'm going to miss you so much", "You're my world', "Jesse, Please dont ever let me go". It was the most adorable thing that had ever happened to me.

We got to the front of the line and two girls passed us their tube, "You're really pretty" the younger one said to me, i blushed and the older one said, "You're not bad either" to liam, We both laughed and walked up the stairs to the top of the slide, Liam carried the tube, and held me hand. we were waiting at the top of the tower, two guys walked up after us, They were talking really loud, i overheard them say, "Man, she's fine Look at that ass" I was pretty sure Liam heard it too as his head turned around at the speed of light and glared at the guys, Liam and i walked over to the slide to the left to get away from them, While we were walking off i felt a huge Slap on my bum, i turned around the one of the guys had a dirty smirk on his face, Liam started walking toward him, i grabbed Liam hand and pulled him back, "Liam, babe they're not worth it" i said kissing his cheeck, He sighed and we sat down in the tube. Liam at the back and me at the front, the lifeguard pushed the back of the tube, It was magical, sliding down with Liam playing with my hair, The view was incredible. The end of the slide came and Liam covered my eyes to prevent me getting water in them, He got out of the tube and lifted me out, we took the tube over to the next people waiting in line, there was a blonde guy he seemed like he was irish when he said "thankyou for the tube" He was with his elder brother. We walked off and went to the current pool, We sat in tubes and it took us around in a circle, We passed waterfalls, we went under a bridge and as you came out a soft mist fell down onto your head, Liam held my hand all the way around.

We got out and walked to were we had set up our picnic mat, Liam and i layed down, my head leaning on his shoulder, we were looking at the clouds, Liam sat up and placed my head in his lap, running his fingers through my hair he said, "Take this, it's a promise ring, promise me you wont find someone else while I'm away?" he handed me a golden ring with a key attached to it, i sat up,"Liam, i love you so much, it's beautiful, thankyou" i said placing the ring on my finger, Liam kissed me, passionately and magically. He stood up and took my hand, we walked over the thewaterwheel, it's a ride that looks like a ferris wheel but the carriages are half full of water. Liam and i got into line and those two boys we gave the tube to before where standing in front of us, "Hi, I'm Niall" The blonde one said, "Hey, I'm jesse and this is my boyfriend Liam" I replied happily

"Hello" Liam said calmley

"this is my brother greg," Niall said pointing toward the other boy with him,

"Pleasure to meet you" Greg smiled

"If you dont mind me asking, what are you doing up here, you're irish arent you?" Liam asked

"I'm here trying out for the x-factor" Niall replied

"You too?!" Liam asked exitedly

"tomorrow actually" Niall replied

"Well i might see you there" Liam said happily. Niall and greg got on the ride and Liam and i got into the carriage behind them. Liam and i sat down, he put his arm around me, looked me directly in the eyes, it felt like he was staring into my soul, his eyes saddened, "Jesse, I'm going to miss you so much" he said looking down.

"Liam, i love you more than anything, I'll call you everyday, just please dont forget me when you're big and famous?" i sighed

"i could never forget someone like you" Liam said kissing my forehead. I splashed him with some of the water,"way to ruin the moment" Liam laughed splashing me back. before i knew it we were having a water fight, the man opened the door to the carriage and liam and i got out. We walked over the the funnel it was a huge slide that lead down into a giant funnel. "Are you really making me go on this?" I asked liam , "come on," Liam said nudging me arm, "You'll remember me for it" he said winking at me. He picked me up and walked over to the line, he put me down kissing my neck, i laughed and kissed him, we got to the end of the line and a couple passed us the tube, we carried it up, as liam and i got closer to the top he could tell i was scared so Liam grabbed my hand and wispered in my ear, "Ill protect you Jesse"

"I love you liam" i replied

"i love you more" he smiled, We placed the tube in the water and got in, The lifeguard pushed us off and we went down the dropped, I screamed and liam sat there laughing at me, The ride ended and liam helped me off, we handed the tube to some randoms, "you know i hate you for that" i joked Liam fake gasped and grabbed me by the hips, He lifted me and and ran to the wave pool. He ran out deep and threw me into the water, "still hate me" he joked,

"more than ever" i laughed swimming up to him, I put my hands on his shoulders and lent in to kiss him. "I dont kiss people who hate me" Liam laughed

"Fine, i love you" i laughed

"thats better" Liam said lifting me out of the water and placing me on his lips. He spun around as we kissed. he put me down grabbed my hand. "Come on jess, I have big plans for tonight, time to head off" Liam said walking to our spot, we picked up our stuff and walked home. "Get dressed nice" Liam said.


What do they do tonight????

What;s life gunna be like when liams gone?

When will alana get there???

sorry i've been on a holliday and been really sick lately :( sorry it took so long :(

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