More than this *Liam James Payne* Chapter 15

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The next week went by without any feeling, i couldn't think about anything else but Liam, and how he'd betrayed me, it was mind numbing, seeing him looking at her the way he looked at me, knowing he would never hold me the way that he did in the elevator that morning before everything was ruined. I saw them in the halls smiling and their hand in eachothers back pockets. "You know what," i thought to myself, "Screw this, I'm going to get that coffee with Mr. Ritz," I had Hpe with him next period anyway so i changed into my sport clothes and headed off to sport, "You're a tad early" I heard Mr. Ritz say

"Yea, i wanted to talk to you about getting that coffee?" i replied.

"sure," He replied happily, "Are you free Sunday morning?"

"Yes i am, starbux?" i asked

"Can i have your number, you know to work out the details?" He asked

" sure 0897 564 111" I replied, he wrote it down smiled at me,

"I'll call you," he said with a wink and walked away to adress the rest of the class.

We were just running laps of the oval for sport and it was kinda boring, Mr Ritz ran next to me and we talked about a lot of things, He was an amazing teacher, But His eyes were beautiful and just amazing, They were blue with a dark grey circle around them and his eye-lashes were long as!. Sport ended and he smiled at me and said, "Well class, I'll see you all next week" and the class walked off.

The day ended and Liam and Sanny walked to Liam Apartment together, it was awkward because i was walking right behind them, We all got in the elevator and he was holding her the way he held me that day, The elevator got to our floor and I ran out crying, Sanny looked conserned but not enough to ask. i opened the door ran inside and colapsed onto my bed, crying. worst of all tonight was the night Liams' family was coming over for dinner. I stoped crying and mum made me put on my black dress, it had lace at the top front and back and was quite short, she straightened my hair and i applied my dark eye shaddow eye-liner and mascara and then put on my apron and started cooking spaghetti. Liam and his family walked in. i turned to look at them and Liam looked so amazing, I smiled at him and he just turned away.


what's going to happen at this dinner?

are the ever going to get back together?

and how is her "coffee" with Mr. Ritz going to be??

votes, comments <3 (; xx

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