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Author's Note: I wrote "To the Moon and Back" a couple years ago, and have revised it heavily since then. Katya holds a very dear place in my heart, although the world she exists in is the Marvel Universe, the circumstances of her upbringing are straight from my brain :) This prologue is written in third person, in kind of an opening-scene-of-a-movie style, but it changed back to normal afterwards. Enjoy! Comments and critiques are appreciated. 

The sun is shining through the trees, the leaves are rustling in the wind. But there is no birdsong. The grass is dry and crunchy, and paws running over it enter the shot.

(Song Start: Wicked Ones: Dorothy)

There is one set of white paws, then about five seconds later there are many more. The shot changes to the white wolf booking it through the woods. She looks over her shoulder then runs faster. She jumps over a log.

The shot changes to a clearing in the forest which the white wolf skids into. She whips around to face her attackers and wings stretch off the side of her body. Five werewolves enter the clearing loudly, snarling and salivating and barking. But they do not advance. The white wolf, Katya, takes a step forward and snarls. Both groups look at each other.

One of the werewolves speaks, the biggest one who is brown and in the middle.

"You can't run forever. Foolish girl, accept defeat!" He snarls.

"You boys ever heard of a fair fight? Because I don't think this is one." Katya says sassily.

"We will rip you apart!" Says another wolf.

"You're not up for the challenge? So you accept defeat?" Asks the werewolf in the middle.

"I don't accept any defeat but yours." Katya growls. "And you are not the first to try strength in numbers against me."

"You are no match for five of us, you're not even in your werewolf!" Snarls the werewolf in the middle.

"I could take all five of you in my sleep." Scoffs Katya.

"Ha. Insolent child. You're all talk. Show us what you've got." Says the big brown werewolf.

Katya charges. The music gets louder and slower, time slows down as Katya focuses. She blinks her eyes closed for a second, and when she opens them they are glowing purple. She leaps into the air, and flips. As she does, a purple shockwave emerges from her body and knocks her opponents back against the trees. Time resumes its normal speed as the shockwave leaves her. Two of the werewolves were knocked out against the trees, the big brown wolf and two others get up and charge. She dodges an attack from one of the gray werewolves and then flings a bolt of energy at him with her mind; he too slams against another tree. The other gray werewolf and the brown werewolf approach her and the brown werewolf hits her hard with one of his paws.

She is thrown across the clearing and smashes up against one of the trees with a grunt. Just as she's struggling to stand up the grey werewolf runs at her and flings her too and she skids down into a bush.

"You're going to regret that." Snarls Katya from inside the bush. She growls and the sound of crunching bone fills the clearing.

"Shit." Says the grey werewolf.

"Hold your ground." Says the brown werewolf. "It's two against one, we've got this in the bag."

Suddenly a big white wolflike creature charges out of the bushes, tearing up the ground and running on all fours straight at the wolf men. It's Katya, she has shapeshifted and is now in her werewolf form. The werewolf looks like a muscular mix between a wolf and a human, but Katya's werewolf isn't huge because of her age and the fact she is female.

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