#11 Cloth and Jewels

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We wash our faces and compose ourselves and then Natasha calls Tony.

"Hey, do you know where Katya is, I thought she was coming down to meet me like an hour ago?" Tony's voice projects through the radio.

"Change of plans. She's in my room. Can you bring the stuff up, or will it put a hole in my wall?" Asks Natasha grimly.

"Nope." Says Tony. "Perfectly harmless."

Five minutes later, Tony is up, he's carrying some fabric and a small purpley box.

"Okay, I'm here." He dumps the fabric on the bed. There's white, black, and grey. I realize that the fabric is shirts.

"You got me clothes?" I ask.

"Not just any clothes." Says Tony dramatically. He turns to me. "I've been taking notes from your story and I've noticed a few problems and things I wanted to well...fix. He holds up a gray shirt. "Here, go try it on." He throws it at me and I catch it.

I look at Natasha and she shrugs. I walk off to the bathroom.

I pull my wings in and put the shirt on. I look at myself in the mirror; the shirt is very fitting, I don't like the tightness of it. It's long sleeve. It's made out of this weird meshy material that isn't obvious unless you look at the shirt up close. It feels nice, or would, if the shirt wasn't so tight.

"Bring the other shirt out too!" Says Tony.

"Okay." I respond.

I step out, uncomfortable. "It's kind of tight." I say.

"You want it looser?" He asks.

"Yeah, can I go change out of it?" I cross my arms sheepishly.

"No worries." Says Tony. "Trust me."

He types on his phone for a little bit and the shirt loosens up on me until it's the right amount of tightness. It's loose around my arms and my middle. I look at myself in the mirror in Natasha's room by the closed.

I smile. "How did you...?"

Tony smiles. "I call it...the cell shirt! It's based on your powers. I haven't researched them fully but from the data we collected from the um...destroyed lab in Russia, it seems that you have 'cellular manipulation' powers which means you can change your biological makeup at will. This process is driven by something called energy, and yours is purple correct?"

"Correct." I say.

"So, I've designed the shirt so you can manipulate it with the energy. Try it." Says Tony excitedly.

"This is safe right? It's not going to suffocate her or blow her up, right?" Asks Natasha.

"Nope, perfectly safe. Tried a version of it on myself." Says Tony.

I reach out with my mind and feel the cells of the shirt. I realize there are minuscule gaps that I can fit my energy into. Gently, I mess with the mesh by expanding and retracting it, finally returning the shirt to the comfortable fit. I do make the sleeves a little longer though.

"Huh." I say. "That's cool."

"See? Science can be nice. But that's not all!" Tony says. "There's more!"

Tony holds up the shirt I took off. There's two giant rips in the back where my wings came through. "I've found a way to fix this problem, to allow you to use your wings and then conceal them effectively wherever you need, whenever you need. Put your wings out." Says Tony.

"Now?" I ask. "But it will..."

"Just try it!" Says Tony.

"Okay. I warned you." I say.

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