#1 Seek and Destroy

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A group of four people stand in front of a desk in a finely lit office with the blinds shut. A single file lies on the desk. Behind the desk, is Nick Fury, the mastermind behind the Avengers.

"Why'd you call us up here Fury?" Asks one of the people in front of the desk. He looks strong and he is, he's stronger than any human alive. Steve Rogers, or Captain America as most know him.

"We have a situation....in Russia." Says Nick Fury.

"What kind of situation?" Asks another. She speaks with an accent, very thick and foreign. Her hair is as red as the powers she wields. Wanda Maximoff.

"That's what I'm about to explain." The man slides the file forwards "this information is very confidential. I'm tempted to send the whole team but...as you know the others are off on their own pursuits. And this cannot wait."

A second woman gently opens the file. Her hair too is red, and short. She stands closely to a tall man, who is looking suspiciously at Fury. Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff, members of Earth's mightiest heroes. Or Natasha at least is...

"You know I have a family to get back too, right?" Says Hawkeye.

"I know Clint, but you and Natasha work together like no others, both of you need to go for this to work." Says Fury.

Clint huffs and Natasha shakes her head.

"Andros Kaniukova." Wanda looks at Fury with pain in her eyes. "But he's...he's one of the ones who experimented on me and my brother."

"Well we've found him, right outside a small town in Russia." Says Fury. "He has a laboratory there. And a large energy signature appeared from there yesterday."

"Are you sure it's HYDRA? You remember what happened in Sekovia?" Asks Steve.

"HYDRA isn't even in Russia, I thought we destroyed most of the organization." Says Natasha, pausing for a moment. "Are they in Russia?"

"They're everywhere and we don't even know it. Apparently they have been because our intelligence tells us there's an above ground and underground research compound that is doing genetic experimentation. And no, Rogers, this is different. Something strange is going on at that lab, something supernatural." Says Fury.

"Like an infinity stone?" Asks Natasha.

"Not sure, but I don't think so. This is magic like Wanda has. Raw energy. They're doing experiments with it." Says Fury.

Clint looks over to Wanda and sees the pain in her eyes. He rests a reassuring hand on her back. "We can get someone else for this if it's too hard for you."

"No. I am ready for this." Says Wanda with fierce determination.

"Takedown and Cleanup. It's what we need to do. If there is a HYDRA lab in Russia that has flown under the radar for years, then we need to check out what's going on." Says Steve.

"Well I'm that case I'm in too, I'm not letting you guys go in too outnumbered." Says Clint.

"What, we're not capable enough?" Asks Natasha in mock offense.

"It's not about being capable. We need all of your hands on deck." Says Fury.

"Why haven't we heard of this before?" Asks Wanda.

"Whatever's in there, they don't want it found. They've done a damn good job of hiding it." Says Fury.

The Quinjet flies over the forest and mountain. Natasha has her legs swung over Clint who is polishing his bow. Wanda looks out the window quietly. Steve flies the plane, focused as ever. The wind whistles outside and the steady hum of the plane's engine is loud. The aircraft lights down in a nearby forest. "We're here." Says Steve.

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