#23 Moon and Back

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I have one memory of my mother. It's of right before I went to the lab for good. She's telling me goodbye, and that she loves me and to be good and that she's proud of me. That was right before she left, right before she left my father and I.

It was right before my life turned into hell.

My father said she didn't care about me and didn't want me and he was all I needed. I believed him for so long, but I don't think I do anymore.

That memory is clouded and shifted like the cells in my body from me replaying it over and over. I'm not sure what my mom said anymore. I'm not sure if that was even my mom. Or just another doctor. Telling me to be good as she pricks my finger before another shot. Telling me she loves how my tiny wings work so well, how I'm a scientific miracle. Telling me how I'll make my father proud.

I can't trust my memories too much, but what I can trust is myself.

And I'm damn well sure I can trust the Avengers and all that they've taught me.

How to forgive.

How to get back up when you've been knocked down.

How to recover from loss and grief.

How to raise a family in this mess of a life.

How to dance.

How to fight.

How to make muffins.

How to make the most of your situation.

And how to be brave in the face of your anxiety.

Hutch has me slung over his shoulder as we're trekking through the forest. He pays no mind to the tree branches that keep hitting me in the face. Zelda leads the way and I can hear the other werewolves slinking around behind us, keeping us in sight. In my mind, I'm running through the ballet positions to keep myself calm. I'm bursting with energy that is threatening to release, I wish I had my necklace right now to channel energy into...

Oh wait. I do.

I'm still wearing it. Slowly, I pull all the energy I've stored in it back into me.

First position.

I am aware of every hair on my body. I am in control of the energy inside of me. It runs through every muscle and tissue, every cell, every atom of my being.

Second position.

My form is good, we're partner dancing and I must be as in tune with him as I am with me, I get a feel for the rhythm of Hutch's steps.

Third position.

This one is where it starts to get tricky, so I focus my energy to a conductor where it won't get in my way. I feed it off slowly into the silver cuff.

Fourth position.

My muscles are tense, alive. Ready to spin. Ready to jump. Ready to dance.

Fifth position.

My arms are up. My head is high. My feet are pulled together so they're touching, my energy is about to spill out of me because...

That silver doesn't contain me anymore.

I am cosmic.

I am Katya.

And no one will cage me.

Hutch yelps and drops me as the silver collar glows purple with my energy and becomes hot to the touch. I fill it with my energy so that it is a part of me like my necklace was, and it no longer hinders my powers.

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