#2 Capture and Release

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The flight back is quiet and thoughtful. Natasha and Wanda tend to the girl's wounds.

"It's kind of weird how her voice seemed to be coming from everywhere." Says Clint from the cockpit, referencing the earlier battle.

"She was probably doing something called 'throwing her voice.' There was a shapeshifter in Sekovia. She didn't last very long, she died. But while she was alive she could use minor telepathy to speak in our human language when in her form." Says Wanda.

"Makes sense I guess, but not really." Says Steve.

"It's strange." Says Clint.

"It's magic. It's energy." Says Wanda.

The plane falls silent for a little while.

"Andros Kaniukova. Is she Russian, like me?" Wonders Natasha.

"She's a mutant like me." Whispers Wanda excitedly.

"How's she doing?" Clint glances back.

"She's doing good." Says Natasha. "Wanda is keeping her asleep."

Steve turns his attention to Wanda, who has her fingers pressed on either side of the girl's temples.

"She looks young, I wonder what her story is." He says.

"You're right." Says Natasha thoughtfully, gently examining the girl's hand. "She's not going to be too happy when she wakes up."

"We need to do something with her, contain her somehow. We can't have her running amok. Wanda, you remember what happened when you first got out, you were confused and angry." Says Steve. Wanda and the others nod thoughtfully.

Wanda grunts. "She's in pain. She's very powerful."

"Can you control her for all the way back?" Natasha asks.

"When I get tired and want to sleep and have someone else take watch I'll knock her out good. But for now, her mind is running a thousand miles a minute and she's...talking." Says Wanda.

"How much more time, Clint?" Asks Steve.

"A lot, guys and gals so buckle up and prepare for a long ride." Says the archer. "I still don't know if we're being followed and we've got this ticking time bomb of a kid with us, we need to stay alert."

Natasha walks up to Clint and rests her hand on his shoulder. "We've taken on bigger challenges."

Clint kisses Natasha's hand. "You're right dear, but a lion is still a lion, no matter how young."


Ow. Everything feels weird, there's something in my head. I'm awake, but not awake.

"Your mind is awake." Says a voice. It's not the normal lady though, not the lady with the wings.

"Who are you." I ask. I groan as I feel my memories passing by me against my will. "What are you doing to me?"

"I am like you." Says the voice. "I was experimented on too."

"Do I know you?" I ask.

"No. But we are not so different you and I. We will never be normal, we live a hard life. You possess a lot of powers." She says.

I feel an energy coming from her. A strong energy. It feels...

"Red." She says. "It's chaos magic."

"Am I...dead?" I ask.

"No. Do you remember what happened?"

"I remember getting dizzy, I was on the banister on one of the levels of the atrium."

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