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Steve ran down the staircase as he headed towards the datapoint of the final helicarrier

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Steve ran down the staircase as he headed towards the datapoint of the final helicarrier. Iola followed a short distance behind him, keeping her steps silent. 

He threw open the door, and jogged onto the metal gangway. The Winter Soldier stood in front of the panel where the chips where kept. The Captain slowed to a walk, then came to a stop when he met the Soldier's eyes.

"People are going to die, Buck. I can't let that happen." He announced, but the man he once knew stood strong, unmoving.

The Voin stepped onto the gangway and let the door slam behind her. The Captain turned his body towards the noise and met her equally empty eyes.

Steve turned his head back to his friend.

"Please don't make me do this," he pleaded, but his words were empty in the Soldier's mind.

The Voin stepped forward and the Captain made his move. He threw his shield backwards, knocking the girl in the stomach before it bounced back into the Captain's arm.

Steve caught it then proceeded to use that momentum to throw it at the man in front. Bucky brought his metal limb up to block the attack and Steve ran forward. He caught the returning shield and used it to block the bullets coming from the Soldier's gun.

The Voin had stumbled from the sudden impact of the shield, but regained her footing when the two men in front of her started to fight.

Steve threw Bucky off to the side and quickly typed in the codes to bring the row of coding chips down to his level. Iola aimed her gun towards him and he spun around, blocking her bullets. She ran at him, but he threw a kick to the girls wrist, knocking the gun out of her hand. He heard Bucky sprint towards him, so he shoved a forceful push with his shield in Iola's direction.

She fell to the side, her body colliding with the railing as the Soldier started to swipe his knife at the Captain. Catching his blows, the super soldier fought the man, eventually connecting his shield with the Soldier's cheek.

With both of them winded momentarily, Steve pulled the target chip out from its resting place, trying desperately to pull its replacement from his hip.

But the Voin had pulled herself to her feet, strutted towards him and slammed her foot into the back of the Captains knee. He fell to the ground and the girl pulled her knife out from her thigh holster. She started swiping quickly at him, leaving him to raise his arms to his face to block her attacks. He used his position to his advantage, swinging his left foot out from under him and knocked the girl to the ground.

Springing to his feet, Steve brought his shield up to his chest before slamming the edge down on her forehead. Iola's head cracked onto the metal gritting below, her eyes flying shut.

The Captain didn't have much time to comprehend his actions or watch the blood trickle down her temple before the Soldier had sprung up behind him again. They two threw a fury of punches, the Soldier connecting one with the Captains stomach, and the Captain landing another on the Soldier's temple with his shield. The duo paused and stumbled away from each other, both breathless from the punches received, but the Soldier wasted no time in launching at the Captain that was hunched against the railing.

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