Chapter 7

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Haymitch left Peeta and I alone in my house since he's watching me now. We're sitting in the living room and our conversations consist of awkward small talk, but then Peeta blurts something unexpected out.

"I thought you were dead," he says out of no where. Dead? What is he talking about? He sees my confusion and explains.

"When I found you lying unconscious in the woods, you looked dead. I was screaming your name and then I saw you sprawled out on the ground and-" he lets out a small choking sound and I think he is crying.

Then it's myself who does something unexpected. I walk over to where he's standing and I extend my arms out to comfort him.

He accepts my hug and after a few seconds wraps his arms around me too. We just stand there, embracing each other.

It reminds me of the night on the train when we were heading to the Capitol for the Quarter Quell. It feels so impossibly good, just as it did on the train. I don't want to be the one to break away. But I am.

I jerk back when I hear a loud noise that automatically registers as a bomb. What is going on? Have the angry Capitol citizens somehow gained control? Are they here to destroy me because I helped destroy their precious games?

I hear another bomb go off, this time closer. It's weird I don't feel any vibrations or rumbling. Bombs are going off all around me now. I'm going to die here. Just me in this house. And Peeta. Peeta!

I whip myself around to Peeta, who I have forgotten about. He wears a confused look on his face.

"Peeta, we have to go!" I scream over the bombs. "We have to escape these bombs!" I start to run for the door not sure what the plan is but Peeta grabs my wrist yanking me back.

"Katniss-" he starts but there's no time to talk.

"Peeta, we're going to die!" I try to say but the noise is too loud now. I scream over the bombs trying to cancel the awful noise that reminds me of my family.

Prim, died in an explosion. My father, died from a mine explosion. Now myself, and Peeta, all to die the same death.

"There's no bombs, Katniss!" Peeta yells. My eyes are wide with panic and my head is turning back and forth to see which wall will come down first. "It's not real! They're are no bombs! Not real!"

He has his hands on my shoulders and once I process his words I turn my head back to him and look into his eyes.

Not real? There are no bombs? They seem so real, but I know Peeta wouldn't lie to me. That would explain why I couldn't feel them. This must all just be in my head.

How can I make it stop? I try to focus on Peeta's words. He's lowering his voice and as he does the noise of explosions fade away.

"You're here in District 12 and you're safe in your house. Snow is dead and the games are over. Everyone is okay now, there are no bombs. Not real," he says.

"Not real?" I question.

"Not real," he repeats.

The bombs have ceased and I realize I am shaking. Even if it wasn't real, it still felt real. All the memories, of my father, of Prim, of what it's like to feel like your life will end the next second overpower me.

I burst into tears and Peeta moves his arms from my shoulders to a hugging position and strokes my hair while I sob. Haymitch is right I am crazy.

After I've cried myself out I back away from Peeta. He looks me in the eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"I just really want some time alone." I reply.

"Katniss, you know I'm not supposed to leave you by-"

"It's getting late I just want to go to sleep," I say. Besides, it's not like you're going to watch me sleep." He has a concerned look on his face still. "Just trust me," I beg.

This wins him over. "I trust you," he says. "I want you to call if anything goes wrong. Promise me."

"I promise." After that he leaves and I make my way upstairs. I crawl into bed and allow myself a moment to remember Prim.

Then the memories become too painful and I am emotionally spent for the day. I drift off into a sleep filled with nightmares.

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