Chapter 18

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I look out the window and try to think back to when I was on the train every other time.

We haven't been on the train that long, I don't think. What district are we in?

In the past it was mandatory that we stopped halfway to the Captiol to make sure everything is okay, but we haven't stopped yet. That means we haven't made it to District 6 yet.

As I look out the window I see wheat growing off in the distance and instantly know that we're in 9.

This is perfect! We're not that far at all!

A small smile creeps on to my face as a I realize that my plan can work.

I am going to escape.

If Bonnie and Twill were able to come from 8 and make it to District 12 then I will certainly be able to go back home!

All I have to do is put some supplies in a pack and figure out how to get off this train. That might be an issue. I can't exactly just jump off of a train moving 200 miles per hour.

But that doesn't matter now. I'll deal with that when the time comes, for now I'm just happy that I'm not sentenced to go to the Capitol.

Prim, Finnick, Boggs, Cinna, and everyone else did not die just so that I can rot away hating myself in the Capitol. I'm determined. I'm going to make my life mean something again.

I set out on my first task. Filling a pack with supplies. I can't exactly just order a pouch filled with weeks worth of food. People would get suspicious. I need to find a pack on my own.

I go to my closet and find a suitable backpack that's big enough. Now I'll just go order some food.

I leave the backpack in my room and head out to get a lot of food.

As I am on my way to order the food, something dawns on me.

What about Peeta?

If I have learned anything in my life, it's that Peeta brings me a lot more positivity than anything else. He is my dandelion in the spring. If I truly want to be happy, I will need him by my side.

I'm not going to leave him behind this time like I did when he warned me to run after I was stung by the tracker jackers.

No, this time it's my turn to save him.

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