Chapter 3

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This chapter has refrences to suicide. If this is a sensitive topic for you I suggest that you stop reading now.


I see a bright light shining down on me that is painful to look at. What happened? Did I die?

After several seconds of confusion, I hear somebody say "She's up," to let me know that I am still alive. I close my eyes and start to think.

I am still alive and here to waste away some more in this world. The thought of this makes me angry. I was supposed to drift out of this world peacefully but somebody has kept me here.

I don't want to keep doing this. Why couldn't they just let me go like I wanted? I bang my head against whatever it is I'm laying on. I instantly feel pain but that's not anything new. It wasn't anybody's decision to go against my wish and keep me here.

I bang my head again and begin to whimper. I'm not sure if it's because of my thoughts or the pain but I don't care. I bang my head again and again maybe I'll be able to send myself out right here. I doubt it.

"Katniss," I hear somebody familiar say with footsteps in the background. I stop hitting my head and open my eyes to see whose voice is calling me. I find the voice belongs to Haymitch.

I try to turn over so that I'm facing away from him but I realize my arms are restrained by the hospital bed I'm lying on. I start to panic. I look around the room for the first time to confirm I'm in a hospital.

I push my hands against the restraints holding me down to test their strength but they are metal and I feel so weak right now. I also see tubes pumping god knows what into my arm. I countine to try to free myself of the braces but Haymitch sees me struggling and tries to calm me down.

"Katniss you're okay. You're okay. Shh, calm down. Everything's fine, " It's weird, Haymitch has never been the comforting type. I hear a beeping slow down and I notice that it's my heart rate on a monitor with a nurse tending to it.

"Can you give us a second?" Haymitch asks the nurse who complies with his request but notifies him that she'll be back shortly. As she walks out of the room Haymitch turns back to me.

"What happened, sweetheart?" I've always hated it when he called me that.

"How am I here, Haymitch?" I ask avoiding his question. Was he able to get me to hospital quick enough? Only a few things in District 12 were rebuilt but a hospital was the first thing they created and it wasn't that far away either. Was he able to make me throw up the pills somehow or were they just not strong enough?

As Haymitch is about to continue I hear arguing out in the hall and I see the door burst open. It's Peeta.

"Sir, you can't be in here!" The nurse yells at him as he storms in.

He just stares at me with his fist clenched wearing an angry expression on his face. Before either of us can say anything he walks angrily out of my room.

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