Chapter 13

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The boys and you make small talk while you guys wait on Haru to come back around.

"Hey..Uhm..Aizawa" you mumble quietly. "Yes Y/n? And please call me Shota." He states back to you. "Can I talk to you alone?" You ask quietly. Hizashi and Toshinori give each other a confused look.

"Sure." The ravenette said while getting up from his chair and pushing it in and you do the same. You and Aizawa go near the restrooms.
"What's up Y/n?" Shota asks wondering why you two needed to talk.

"Well, I sorta told my dad I'm not coming home tonight in a fit of anger and I was wondering if you could let me stay with you tonight. It's totally understandable if not!" You say nervously.

"My parents aren't home, they're both on a mission together, so I don't see why not, they shouldn't we returning until sometime next week. So you wanna stay over go right ahead. I have plenty of shirts and sweatpants you can wear if needed." He says back to you in a calm tone.

He looks down and he feels a warm embrace realizing you hugged him. He hugs back. "Thank you..thank you so much've helped me so much is there anyway I can help you back?" You say to him being thankful for him just being there for you.

"Hon. You don't have to thank me, it's just what friends do. And you being alive is enough payment." He says to you hugging you tightly, and again you smell that sweet of lingering vanilla. "L-let's get back to the others" you throw out there. But you really don't want to because you don't wanna leave his warm embrace.

"I agree, the others might get suspicious of us or something." The boy says to you letting you go. You frown at the lost of contact of warm embrace. You two walk back to the table and Hizashi and Toshinori are talking about their favorite bands and bonding.

The both of you sit down in the chair. Haru walks over, "I'm sorry it took me so long! Have you guys gotten what you like to order food wise?" Haru asks the 4 you. "I did!" You pipe up. "I will have (what ever you want here) !" You say excitedly. "I'll take what they're having!" Toshinori pipes up.

"I'll have the Katsudone please!" Hizashi asks Haru! "Yea sir!" Haru writes everything down, "and for you?" He looks Aizawa. "I'll take what Hizashi got, the Katsudon." Aizawa states blankly. Haru finishes writing everything down and looks up. "That should be down here shortly!" Haru pipes up.

Hizashi and Toshinori look at the both you, "since we were on the topic of bands, what are your guys favorite bands." Hizashi asks. "Well my had got to be my chemical romance. But there's more." Aizawa says. "My has definitely got to be (favorite band)!" You pipe up happily. Hizashi nods his head. "Yes I agree Y/n (favorite band) is a really good band I like their music." Hizashi says.

518 words

I'm sorry this chapter is so short!! And I'm sorry I haven't updated in a month!

Shota Aizawa x reader x Hizashi Yamada x Toshinori Yagi Where stories live. Discover now