Chaper 6

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Leon is on his way home, while you are sitting and talking to the 2 boys' you ran into. It been a couple of hours now.

"Don't forget Sho school starts up soon" The blonde reminds the raven haired boy. "Don't remind me Zashi." The raven haired boy said.

"What school are you guys going to?" You say hoping they will go to UA too. "UA" they said in unison. "Really? What class?" You say happily.
"1-A" the blonde tells you. "Me too!" You say cheerfully.

"I never Caught your name" The blonde say to you. "Oh I'm Y/n L/n how about you guys"
You replied to the boy. "I'm Hizashi Yamada" Hizashi replies to you. "And this is Sho," Yamada says. "I can introduce my self Hizashi. But my name is Shota Aizawa."  Aizawa replied to the both of you.

                            ~~Time skip~~

"Hey Y/n it's been nice talking to you, but we should really go back home" Hizashi says not trying to make you upset. "Oh no you're right, we should all be heading home, bye Hizashi, Bye Shota!" You say waving to them and happily.

Leon is at home looking for you, he is kinda worried. "Y/n where are you?!" He states into the open if your guys home. You walk in the door with a big smile on your face. Leon looks at you and rushes over to hug you. You hugs back.

"Where have you been Y/n? I have been looking for you." Leon states to you. "I was made new friends that's all!" You say very happily. "That would explain the big smile on your face when you walked in" he says finally getting why you had a big smile.

"Oh, we're having katsudon for dinner!" Leon says to you.  "Awesome! I love your katsudon!" You state happily. "Hey Leon I'll be upstairs!" You tell him as you start to walk up to the stairs. You are in you room now and you reread your UA letter you got.

"I can't believe they're going to UA too!" You say out loud to yourself. "I'm so happy!" You say out loud. "Y/N DINNER!" Leon yells for you. "IM COMING!" You Yell back. You rush down stairs and as you rush down you smell the katsudon half way down the stairs. "Leon dinner is smelling good!" You say to him. You go sit at the table.

406 words

I'm sorry for the short chapter! I've been busy lately! Please forgive me, thanks for reading this book!

Shota Aizawa x reader x Hizashi Yamada x Toshinori Yagi Where stories live. Discover now