Chapter 17

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"SHO YOU'RE ON MY HOUSE YOU OWE ME MONEY!" Hizashi scream excitedly. "Calm down or I'm not gonna pay you." Shota gave hizashi a death stare.

You chuckles at the boys antics. Hizashi looks at you, "I don't wanna hear it y/n! You're close to my space too!" He says grabbing his money from Shota.

"I'm almost out of money because of you Hizashi!" Shota spats out. "Well it's not my fault you rolled a 5! My house just so happened to be there!" Yamada responds.

You are laughing even harder. "What are you laughing at y/n! You don't have $50 dollars left! I don't wanna hear it!" Shota looks at you.

Tears start to get the brim of your eyes for how much you're laughing. "It's my turn I'm just gonna go!" Toshinori rolled the dice. "HELL YEAH! I PASSED GO Y/N GIVE ME (I can not remember monopoly so I'm making it up) 200 DOLLARS!" He smiles.

You being banker you give him $200. "Shota how does it feel to know you're losing?" Hizashi teases Shota. "Oh shut up Hizashi!" Shota snaps.

You smile and roll the dice, you get 4. You move your piece 4 spaces. "Damn! I owe you money Toshi!" You hand him $15 dollars. Toshinori smiles, "I think I might be winning!"

Shota huffs at because he's losing. He rolls and gets 2, he moves two. "Dammit y/n!" He hands you the rest of his money. "I'm out." He says to you. "I'm gonna go make food." He says getting up going to the kitchen.

Hizashi rolls and gets 5 "damn! Here you go Toshinori!" He hands him $50 dollars. Your phone starts to ring it's Leon. You answer.

"Kid please tell me you're okay!"
"Yes Leon I'm fine I'm playing monopoly with Hizashi, Shota, and Toshinori."
"Good you're safe."
"Yes leon I'm safe. What do you need."
"I was checking up on you."
"What I said yesterday still stands Leon." You stand up and walk to the door.
"That I need to fix myself or talk to you? I know."
"Then work on it." You step outside.
He sighs.
"Kid I'm sorry. I really am. And with everything going on I'm gonna be working more cases. Possibly for longer, more then a week."
"Yeah okay leon, what do you want me to say? Huh?"
he stays silent.
"You want me to say, oh no leon please don't go, I don't know what do?"
"Leon if you have to work longer so be it. I'm done. I'm over it leon. I get it. You're number 1 pro hero. You're gonna work long missions, I just need to value the time we have."
"You're right kid you are."
"Just stay the safest you can alright?"
"I will bye y/n"
"Bye leon"
475 words

Shota Aizawa x reader x Hizashi Yamada x Toshinori Yagi Where stories live. Discover now