Chapter 8

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       You look at the time "it's only 10;00 pm, Leon's been gone for 6 hours." You start walking up to your room. "God I can't believe start UA tomorrow!" You saw pumped for tomorrow.

     You lay down on your bed and shut your eyes and think about Hizashi and Shota. Slowly dropping into that dark abyss everyone familiar with.

                      ~~ Time Skip ~~

      You wake up it being 7;00 am, you gather your bags, then you grab your clothes and hop in the shower. After you how're you brush your teeth, then comb/brush your Long/short/medium hair. You get dressed in the Uniform. You are all prepared and you look at the time it being 7:30 giving you 30 minutes to spare you turn on the TV and watch a episode of fairy tail.  

                  ~~Time skip again~~
            It's now 8:00 am and you are at school walking in and you see the blond and the raven haired boys. "Yamada! Aizawa!" You say walking over to them.

        "Oh hey L/n!" Hizashi responds to you. Aizawa just gives you a small nod. "You excited because I sure am!" You ask them. "I am really excited I'm not sure about Sho here though." Hizashi states blankly. "I'm not to excited but I  am at the same time." Aizawa states to you guys.

     "I wonder who our teacher is going to be!" You say abroad. "I second that" Hizashi says as you guys are walking to your class room. "Here it is we're here." Aizawa states as he walks in. There you see another blond with the sweetest smile.

      The second blonde walks over to your group. "Hey I'm Toshnori Yagi! What's your guys names?" Yagi states. "Oh! Nice to meet you yagi! My name is Hizashi Yamada!" Hizashi says to Toshinori. You stare at Yagi with glee. "My name is Shota Aizawa." Shota states to them.

    "How about you" Yagi looks at you and smiles. "Y/n?" Hizashi questions you. "S-sorry!" You say to them. "I wasn't paying attention what did you say?" You say with a small blush across your face. "Yagi wants to know your name." Aizawa says a little annoyed.

    "O-oh right! My name is Y/n L/n" you state to them both. An adult figure walks in. "Hello class I'll be your teach Mr. Rivera." He says as he sets down some stuff. "I'll be you're home room teacher." He states to the class.

You and the three take your seats next to each other. "Today we'll be testing out our quirks." Mr. Rivera just goes on what's going to happen and you just see the entire day come to end.

     You're all outside now everyone's tested their quirks, surprisingly you came in the top 10. Aizawa came after Hizashi, and Yagi was in the top 3. "Congratulations to The top 3 but anyway class is dismissed." You and the 3 get together. "Hey Yagi, we all planned on walking each other home do you want to come with us?" Yamada asks. "Sure! I don't see why not!" Toshinori says to Yamada. "Well Let's go!" You say.

     You're all walking home making small talk, "hey guys this is my house." You say to them. "Alright!" Yagi says. "I'll see you guys later." You say as you walk to the door and walk in.

I know it's been more then a week in terribly sorry! 
But I hope you're having fun reading my story!
Have a nice night!

Shota Aizawa x reader x Hizashi Yamada x Toshinori Yagi Where stories live. Discover now