Chapter 5

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          You finish up (favorite movie), it's now 10:00 pm.  You start U.A soon but at this current moment you're now asleep on the couch.

             Leon is stuck cleaning up from the movie, He's picking up the popcorn, turns off the system, takes out the movie puts it back in its case and puts it back on the shelf.  'I hope
Y/n enjoyed the movie night I hope they don't find out' he thinks to himself.

         He puts the dishes in the sink, gets you a blanket and lays it on you. "Sleep well Y/n," He says to your sleeping form. Wade starts making his way up stairs, goes to his room and grabs sweatpants a baggy t-shirt.

   Leon makes his way to the bathroom, sets his clothes on the counter in the bathroom. Then he turns on the water and showers.

    You start to dream about what would happen to yourself If you were a villain. It slowly turns into a nightmare, you wake up and sit up really fast. You here the water running and know it's Leon taking a shower, you roll over and go back to sleep.

   Leon gets out the shower and gets dressed then lays down knowing he has to get up in 5 hours to go to work.  Knowing he promised his boss he be there at 4:00 am that morning.

     "I only have to work a couple of hours, I hope I don't know my shift and he sounds pissed when I told him I wouldn't come in today." He looks at the time. "One less hour of sleep.." He roles over and falls asleep.

~~Time skip ~~

Leon's alarm goes off, he sits up "it's time for work already?" He says as he turns off his alarm. He gets out of bed and changes into his hero clothes. "3:30 is how long I have when I'll leave the house." He says out loud to himself. 

~Time skip~

You wake up it being 8:00 am. "Hey Leon!" You say to Leon him normally responding. "Leon?" You get up starting to look for him. You go up stairs to check for him. "Leon?!" You are starting to get worried.  You see the note he wrote saying

                       "Hey Y/n I'm at work right now I know I'm normally not at work right now. But my boss wanted me in early for missing yesterday. I'll be home soon home hopefully.
                   - Leon"

You are calmed now knowing he's at work but feel bad for making him go to work earlier. "Hopefully he gets off soon." You state and start walking back to the living room.

You get ready to leave the house when your phone goes off. You rush over to check it turns out Leon texted you saying he'd be home soon.

You read the text but didn't respond knowing he's busy. Now you're ready to leave so you go out on a walk.

About half way on your walk you accidentally bump into 2 boys. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!"
The boy with blond hair says "hey! No need to worry about it!" He told you and then gave you a kind smile.

"Just be care where you're walking next time." The boy with raven hair tells you. "Lighten up sho they didn't mean to." The blonde tells the raven haired male.

566 words
I'm so very sorry for the slow updates recently, I have been struck with stuff. I should be able to update regularly hopefully. Anyway, Have and awesome day/night and again I'm very sorry

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