Chapter 16

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You sit up, just waking waking up. You look over at the clock 12:45. " I slept that long?" You though to yourself. You climb out of bed.

Aizawa is sitting on the couch watching a movie that's playing. He looks over and sees your figure walk down the stairs. "Hi y/n" he said blankly.

     "Morning." You say back yawning. He pats the cushion next to him, "come sit. A movie is playing." He say kindly. You walk over and sit down watching the movie.

    "I haven't seen this movie in ages." Shota said looking at you. Your phone starts to ring. You pick it up and answer, "hello?" You stand up.

   "Really? Another mission, you just got back. Leon you know that's not true! What has gotten into you lately?! Huh? First it's the constant nervousness, second it's you not able to be safe. And yes I know your line of work isn't safe. A week long mission? Your off and I don't like it! Fix it! Or freaking talk to me one or the other."

(I swear the conversation isn't one side I just didn't add Leon's side 💀)
   You hang up the phone and sit back down on the couch. You want to know what's going on. But you know him, he won't talk about it.

    "I've spent 8-9 years with the guy and he won't tell me anything." You stated out loud. Aizawa look at you "wanna watch (favorite movie) to cheer you up?" He said. 

   "Yes please." You huffed leaning back onto the couch. Aizawa flips through the channels until it gets onto (favorite movie). "I've seen this movie over a dozen times but it never gets old." You state to him.

   "I don't watch movies a lot, I mainly binge long shows." He states honestly. You sit there with a smile on your face enjoying the film.

    Until there's a knock at the door. Aizawa gets up to see Hizashi and Toshinori. "What are you 2 doing here I didn't invite you." He says annoyed. "Of come on sho lighten up!" Hizashi walks in.

    "Hi hizashi!" You smile. "Well hi back to yourself cutie." Hizashi smiles back at you. "Can you two not flirt in my house." Aizawa says really annoyed. "I have monopoly!" Toshinori pipes up.

     "Why don't we all play!" You smile wanting to play. "That's what I was think y/n." Yagi smiles at you. "I'm down for what ever!" Hizashi says. "I guess I don't see why not." Aizawa states blankly.
422 words

Shota Aizawa x reader x Hizashi Yamada x Toshinori Yagi Where stories live. Discover now