Chapter 4

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  You and Leon are now under the tree where you and Leon met all those years ago. Leon is holding up the camera "Smile Y/n." You being as happy as can be, and smile the brightest smile you can. Leon smiles and he presses the button and the picture comes out.

"Like it?" Leon asks as he shows the picture.
"Leon, I love it!!" You say excitingly. "It looks amazing," You say as you look at the photo. "I like it too, personally it looks amazing," Leon states.

"You want to swing by and go eat at (favorite fast food place)?" Leon asked kinda craving it.
"Heck yea!" You say excited to eat at (fast food place).

You and Leon walk to to (favorite fast food place). You and Leon eat at (fast food place). You guys make small talk while you guys eat.

You guys finish up your food and leave. "Where to now?," Leon asks you. "Uhm, Home? Or the mall!" You say.  "It's what ever you want kiddo," he states to you. "I want to go home and we can watch (favorite movie) and eat popcorn!" You say excitedly.

"Sure I don't see why not, I mean we can watch (favorite movie) and we need to buy popcorn on the way," Leon says and you guys are on your way to the store. "Do you want anything here kiddo?" He asks you. "No, I'm good we just need popcorn!" You say as you both walk in.

You and Leon walk to the isle that has popcorn. You grab the popcorn, and start making your way to the front of the store to checkout. "Kiddo can you hand it to me so I can pay for it?" He asks you. You willingly hand him the popcorn.

You and Wade are now at the checkout and he's paid for the popcorn and now you're on the way back home. "Leon," you say blankly. "Yeah?" He replies curiously. "What would've happen if you didn't  find me all those years ago?" You state blankly. "Multiple things. You could've gotten hurt, really hurt. Gotten kidnapped. You could've been living on the streets and be a villain, but I'm glad I found you because your my kid." He states back to you.

"If I really did become a villain theirs so many possibilities that could have happened I could have caused so many bad things to happen because of my quirk." Say and start to think on what would happen if you did become a villain.

"So could I everyone can become a villain, everyone's quirk can become a villains quirk. It's very easy to become a villain, one wrong move and you get slapped with that label. But can we please change the subject this subject is hard for me to say due to my friends becoming villains," he states tearing up at the end. You and him are already home.

He opens the door for the both of you. "Go ahead," he states as you go in, he walks in after you shutting the door behind him. He walks to the kitchen and open the popcorn. You put on (favorite movie). You smile because you can.

Leon put the popcorn in the microwave. He gets a phone call. Wade answers "yes boss?"
"You need to come in right now!" His boss says. "Why, I'm here spending time with my kid! I told you I'd be in at 4:00 A.M tomorrow!" Leon almost shouts. "There's a big attack in a village," his boss almost shouts back.

"Have Rose go! I'm busy okay?!? I don't have time," He hangs up. Leon takes out the popcorn. You're waiting on Leon with the popcorn. "You almost done Leon??" You ask.

"Yeah I'm almost done Y/n" he says as he puts the popcorn in the bowl. "I have the movie pulled up and paused," you say excited.

660 words

Sorry the chapters so short you guys hope you enjoy!

Shota Aizawa x reader x Hizashi Yamada x Toshinori Yagi Where stories live. Discover now