Chapter 14

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     You all finish up your dinner and leave. You all are exiting the restaurant, so all 4 of you start walking out. You all start walking each other home with small talk here and there.

    Yagi interrupts all of you "hey guys I'm here at my house." He says as he parts his ways to his house.  You three keep walking to get Hizashi home. "We're almost to my house guys." Hizashi says with a yawn at the end.

  "Alrighty!" You say with a response. Hizashi looks over at his house and there it is. It's a nice bright white but with it being dark it's lightly hard to see.

"Goodnight you two!" Hizashi pipes up.
"Night Zashi." Aizawa says back to the blonde tiredly. "We're almost to my house" he says as he continues to walk.

        ~~Time skip~~

  Aizawa puts the key into the door to get ready to go in. "After you." He says in his monotone voice. You walk into his house. "Shota your house is so pretty." You say in awe.

   Aizawa shut the door and takes the key. He puts the keys on the table. And locks the door. "Follow me." He says monotone voice again. You follow him up stairs. He points at another room, "here's an extra guest room." He said.

   You open the door and walk in. You sit on the bed and let out a sigh. Aizawa walks into his room, shuts the door and locks it. He changes clothes. You lie on the bed and get ready for sleep. Aizawa changes into pajamas.

    But first before he does he stairs at the bruises on his body. He let put a sigh and puts the clothes on then unlocks the door. You fall asleep. Struggling at first.

Leon's POV
   I walk in the house and just walk up stairs to my bathroom. I put my hands on the sink and just look at myself. Why did I do that to y/n I hurt them deeply. I keep thinking to myself.
I look at the mirror and can't get that image out of my head.

      I punch the mirror and scream "GOD FUCKING DAMMIT." I can't help but to scream. The mirror breaks. The mirror shards are all over the bathroom. My fist is bleeding. With shards of glass sticking my fist.

I stare my fist. "What the hell did I just do.." I stammer out loud. "Does y/n hate me because they found out..?" I question myself.

~~back to Aizawas house~~

You toss and turn in bed not able to get that image out of your head. Watch their house burn. It became ash right infront of your eyes.

     You keep hearing your dads voice. You can barely remember your mother. But you see her in full color. You go to reach out to her but your hand goes straight through her. You turn to your dad and touch his hand like you did that very same day.

    Your hand goes straight threw his. You see tears start streaming down your face. Loaning for your parents touch again. You wake up in a panic and start sweating. You rise out of bed quickly. You look at the time it reading 1:33.

You walking down stairs to find a glass and successfully find one. You grab one and go to the fridge to fill up the glass. You slowly sip on the water.

583 words

Shota Aizawa x reader x Hizashi Yamada x Toshinori Yagi Where stories live. Discover now