Chapter 9

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       You wake up, you slowly get out of bed dreading the day because all you want to do is stay in bed and go back to sleep. You go to your closet and grab the uniform, as you walk to the shower.

     You get undressed and get into the shower. As you adjust the water temperature perfectly, you get in. And start washing your hair, as you finish up the shower. You turn off the water and grab a towel, careful not to get any water in the floor.

    As you dry off you get out and get dressed in the uniform. Once you finish that you brush your teeth and wash your face. Once you finished all of that you get out the bathroom and go lay in bad for another half an hour. You slip on your shoes.

    Until you hear a knock at your door. So you get up and go to the door, and answer it. Only to see Hizashi, Shota and Toshinori. You gave them a kind smile. "I was just about to get breakfast if you wanna stop by and eat" you said to the boys.

      "Yes please!" Hizashi says. You invite the boys in. "Aizawa, Yagi, would you like breakfast?" You said looking at the 2. "I mean I don't want to be a bother but if you don't mind." Yagi says to you. "Sure." Aizawa says tiredly.

         You go to your kitchen and start making (favorite breakfast). You get the ingredients out and start to make it. Once you finish, "Come on I've finished!" You say. Hizashi happily makes his way over. Yagi shyly walks over. And Aizawa fell asleep on your couch.

     "Where's Aizawa?" You ask because you don't see him. Hizashi goes over to the couch and wakes him up. "Shota foods ready" he says softly to Aizawa. The ravenette lets out a low groan. "I'm up I'm up" Shota says. He slowly gets off the couch and goes over to the table. He sits down in front of his plate and starts eating.

      "As that cue of Aizawa, dig in!" You say to them.

                         ~~Time skip~~

   You all finish eating, you've put all the dishes in the sink. "Now let's go to school" you say still dreading it. You grab your bag, and you watch the other boys grab theirs.

       You all now make your way to the door, "give me a second guys I have to go turn off the lights and lock up the house." You go back in and shut off all the lights, and you make your way back to the front door and lock it, knowing you have a key in your backpack.

     "I'm tired let's get this day over with." Aizawa said groggily. "Oh come on cheer up sho!" Hizashi said nudging Aizawas solder. Yagi is just there happily, smiling. "I do have to agree with Yamada here, we all need to brighten up!" He says with a big smile on his face.

500 words
I'm sorry for the slow updates!
Have a fun time!

Shota Aizawa x reader x Hizashi Yamada x Toshinori Yagi Where stories live. Discover now