Chapter~9 (Bitch, I'm worse than the Satan himself, so don't piss me off)

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Charlotte's POV:

"Turn this shitty song off" Seth complained, and I glared at him.

How can he insult such a masterpiece?

"Other dancers may be on the floor" I replied to him by singing the lyrics.

"Shut up! You sound like a screeching Hyenasour!" Seth scowled. I was about to point out that there is nothing called 'Hyenasour' by decided against it and again replied with the song's lyrics.

"Dear, but my eyes will see only you"

"Holy bang shit! Please stop!" He whined loudly, but I paid no head to it.

"Only you have that magic technique" I kept singing along the song.

"When we sway, I go weak" I said but what shocked me when Seth also began to sing along. I narrowed my eyes at him, but he ignored me and kept singing.

"I can hear the sounds of violins" He screamed like someone had just poked his eyes with a needle startling me.

"Long before it begins
Make me thrill as only you know how
Sway me smooth, sway me now" We both laughed loudly and screamed the lyrics on top of our lungs all the way to the grocery store.

"We are here" Seth exclaimed, and I turned the music off before exiting the car like an excited kid who will get to buy a pet for the first time.

"Easy there!" Seth playfully glared at me and I saluted him saying "Aye, Aye Captain".

We both headed inside the store and anyone within a mile radius can feel the happiness radiating off both of us.

"Let's grab a cart before looting this grocery store" I dramatically said earning a nod from Seth.

We both decided to get two carts. One for me and one for him.

"Let's start with the food aisle" He said and we both walked to the food aisle.

"POP TARTS" I shouted and ran to grab them and Seth also ran to get them for himself.

"I am thinking of grabbing five more packets" I said to Seth as I look at the fifteen packets of pop tarts in my cart.

"Why are you thinking? Just take them already" He exclaimed, and I nodded.

"WOO-HOO" We both were startled by someone shouting. We both turned around and saw four teenagers. Two standing in the carts and two pushing the carts, and they were not just any teenagers. They were my students. Their names, I guess were Emma, Damien, Armano and Angelo was also one of them.

"What in the holy hell?" Seth said, but I was just smiling at the scene because you can easily tell how close and carefree they are with each other.

They looked around them and started to laugh ignoring the looks everyone was giving them.

"I am going to buy more things, you stay and watch the drama unfold" Seth grumbled before walking away.

I ignored him and walked closer to them to heard what they all were saying clearly.

"That was fun!" Damien exclaimed but Angelo looked like he wanted the ground to swallow him because of the stunt.

"Yes! It was. Where's Vanessa?" Emma asked looking for her.

I sighed at them, turned around and went to find Seth.

"Hello there hot stuff" A guy who looks to be a college student said as he approached me while his peers whistled at me.

"You have got yourself a sexy figure"

"You must have me confused with someone to whom you think you can speak that way" I glared at him and starts to walk again.

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